ASWSU: student airport transportation and MEChA confirmation
Afforadable holiday shuttles are explored in ASWSU meeting
ASWSU discusses student transportation to Moscow-Pullman Regional Airport
October 6, 2022
ASWSU plans to continue efforts in assisting student transportation to get to and from the Pullman-Moscow Airport
Senator Andrew Burk, said that in the past there have been efforts to make a shuttle between Pullman and Moscow, however due to low ridership and funding they have had to stop these routes.
Senator Gabrielle Lund, suggested that they should investigate having holiday shuttles to the Pullman-Moscow airport for students that do not have cars and that are trying to get home, since around that time ridership might pick up.
Stepheny Lopez, sophomore comparative ethnic studies and sociology double major, applied for the Movimiento Estudiantil Chicanx De Aztlan, MEChA, Co-Chair position.
Lopez said that she decided to apply because she believes that it is important for WSU to have a community specifically for people who the education system was not built for.
She wants students to know that WSU is a safe and open community for all cultures. She applied because MEChA is a strong and powerful group to represent the Latinx community on campus.
Lund went on to talk about the upcoming outreach program from ASWSU. This program will be on Oct. 25, which will be catered by Jimmy John’s.
On top of that, she said that they will have a tabling event next week, the plan is to have a tabling event Wednesday and Thursday or Thursday and Friday of next week to make sure that they are ready.
Interim Senate Advisor Matt Shaw said that next weekend there will be a Pacific Northwest Leadership conference on Saturday. There will be multiple student leaders from the Northwest here on campus speaking.