Cougar Cowgirl: Staying in the Saddle

With a rough weekend of driving around, Josie hopes to bounce back after rest, take home the gold in upcoming rodeo


Josie Goodrich had a rough weekend at her first college rodeo of the season but she hopes to bounce back at her rodeo this weekend.

JOSIE GOODRICH, Reporter/Copy Editor

Well, the first weekend of college rodeos are in the books, and boy, what a weekend it was. 

After classes on Thursday I headed back home to Stanfield, Oregon, and practiced up a little before my mom and I headed to New Plymouth, Idaho.

When we got there Friday afternoon the breakaway roping was first, and I drew a pup. My calf just trotted right out front and was going to be a lay-up … or so I thought. 

I nodded my head and got out great, I took three swings and right as I was about to throw, he darted left. Ruby didn’t miss a beat and got me right in behind him, but I didn’t get him roped until 3.9 seconds later.

I ended up placing fourth that day, so I guess a lot of other girls must have had some bad luck as well. 

Then, onto the barrels. This is the first time Keeper and I have run barrels in a while, and I can’t describe how unconfident I was. Keeper was out of shape and so was I. 

I did my routine to get him jacked up and let him know that it’s game time, and right off the bat it wasn’t right. I got in the arena and normally Keeper is wanting to take off through my hands and he’s excited, but things were off. 

As we headed to the first barrel there was no momentum and everything about the timing and the turn was choppy. We turned the first and headed to the second, which we absolutely demolished and knocked over. 

We were heading to the third barrel and I was just thinking to myself, “great, first college rodeo and I already hit a barrel.” Keeper must have been feeling the same way because a few feet in front of the third barrel I swear he stuck his two front feet into the dirt without warning, and I was coming off. 

I got bounced up so high I was going over the saddle horn and I was about to land on his neck. I remember being in the air and looking down and realizing, “oh my gosh, I’m about to land on his neck, this isn’t good.” One second I’m five feet in the air with my feet rubber banded in the stirrups, and the next second I’m bailing off the side. 

I decided to bail and make the situation easier for everyone, and mid-jump I yelled, “oh shit!” and I landed face-first in the dirt, arms and legs spread. I looked like the toys from “Toy Story” when Andy would come home and all the toys would fall to the ground. 

After bruising my body and ego, I headed back to the trailer to take care of my horses so I could drive 45 minutes back into service and turn in a really big project that was due. 

Long story short, my mom and I were driving all over this random town looking for service, I got my project turned in, and immediately all of the color in my face drained.

42 minutes late. This may not seem like a big deal to some, but I think my life flashed before my eyes. I have never, not once in my entire life, turned something in late. 

I was hysterically freaking out as I was trying to email my professor. I got my email all typed out, I read it to my mom and I sent it off. 

A few hours later this was still all I could think about and I was now wide awake. I wanted to go back and re-read my email when all of a sudden I realized I had a misspelling. 

Instead of saying, “I’m sorry for the inconvenience,” I said, “I’m sorry for the incontinence.” I hadn’t heard this word before so I was thinking, “okay, maybe they have a similar meaning and I can play it off.” 

For those of you that don’t know what this word means, it is the lack of voluntary urination or defecation. My jaw dropped. 

Not only did I turn my project in late, but I pretty much told my professor I was sorry for accidentally peeing. 

Basically, I had a well-rounded terrible day. The next day was not much better because I then broke out in the breakaway on a pup of a calf. 

However, Keeper and I decided to stay in the buggy and turn up the heat. That old guy was flying to the first barrel and we went by it a few strides, but he was coming in so hot we still managed to place fourth against some very tough horses. 

I am looking forward to this weekend’s college rodeo in Pendleton, and it’s the last one for the fall season. That being said, the Cougar Cowgirl plans to stay in the saddle and bring home the gold.