OPINION: Midterm burnout is too real

Students share burnout, health struggles


Between the cold weather, the influx of assignments and declining overall motivation, burnout is a huge problem during midterms.

ANNABELLE PEPIN, Evergreen columnist

As if midterms were not stressful enough, finding out we are only halfway through the semester is even harder to process. Mid-semester burnout is real and so many WSU students are suffering from it. 

With the weather shifting, it can be difficult to stay motivated when the comfort of your bed is more appealing than walking up the hills to class in the wind and rain. 

On top of the weather changes, the notorious “frat flu” is running through campus faster than the burnout is hitting us.  

“It is very frustrating to be sick and burnt out at the same time because I feel like sometimes I cannot control the important things in my life,” said sophomore marketing major Ally Downing. “I want to get my work done, but cannot even leave my room because of how sick I have been.” 

When our physical health is compromised, it can be very difficult to stay on track with mental clarity. Especially in a school environment that prioritizes attendance – that in itself creates a new level of stress for students. 

Motivation is so hard to find when people are so mentally drained. The pressure everyone feels is not talked about enough, considering we are studying for our future careers.

“I am definitely feeling the burnout and classes are picking up and I have tried to find ways to combat them through going to the gym and my job with Cable 8,” said sophomore advertising major Delaney Hayes.

The workload, as Hayes said, is getting heavier by the week, leaving no time to focus on things we are passionate about outside of our majors. 

Test after test and project after project can be so stressful, which is why it is important to find outlets outside of classes. However, it can be difficult to find outlets if there is little motivation for anything outside of the midterms. 

At this point in the semester, classes often feel like the drive to Pullman; never-ending, long and very repetitive. 

Thanksgiving vacation could not come fast enough. I think we all need a chance to recharge before next semester.