WSU Women*s Center works to implement sex education resources

Multiple sex saftety resources in Pullman, all support safe sex


Sex resources such as condoms, lube and more inside the Women*s center.


Sex. A lot of people do it. But not everyone knows of resources they can use in the community.

Amy Sharp, WSU Women*s Center director, said every year, she is discovering more and more that the center needs somebody dedicated to sex education because she does not see it anywhere else on campus.

A couple of years ago, a referendum passed in Washington ensuring everyone in the state received the same sex education and the same information about the subject, Sharp said.

“That’s Washington,” she said. “Our students are from all over, and even different countries, so not everybody gets the same sex ed.”

Student Services advisor Lorena Cruz (she/they) said the Women*s Center is working toward making sure all WSU students have the same sex education.

The Women*s Center has been working on a resource guide for students because a lot of people come to college with the assumption that everyone is on the same page, but sex ed is taught differently throughout the country, Cruz said.

“Some people aren’t even taught sex education in the public system at all, and if they are, they’re not taught until sixth grade, and then that’s the end of the conversation,” she said. “I think that as the Women*s Center, it would be so cool to offer that to people.”

The Women*s Center is sharing its resource guide across its social media platforms, which includes Facebook and Instagram, Cruz said. This guide includes suggestions for books, podcasts, sex-positive influencers and more, allowing people to find what they need in terms of sex education in the media.

While Cruz is still working on an online version of the guide, they said the violence and prevention coordinator at the center has a series called Talk About it Thursdays.

“They just talk about women’s issues, women being a broad term, but just marginalized identity issues,” she said. “Part of violence prevention is talking about sex; talking about consent.”

The Women*s Center also has condoms, lube and dental dams in the center for students to  pick up if needed, they said.

But, Cruz said she feels like the educational aspect of that is missing, such as how to put on a condom and how to use a dental dam.

“It’s those kind of things that I would like to have open, community-wide conversations,” she said. “That’s something I foresee happening, at least on our social media channels. The only limitation with that is that only people with social media can access it … and I want it to be more than just a small group.”

Other resources in Pullman include Planned Parenthood, which offers multiple resources for sex, such as pregnancy planning services, sexual response education, birth control, condoms and more. Appointments can be made online.

Additionally, Cougar Health Services offers similar services if students live closer to campus, as well as Sexualy Transmitted Infection testing and resources for safer sex.