Wellbeing and CACD team up to help students on all fronts

Kyle Ross provides students with methods of managing time more effectively at a Wellbeing Workshop in CUE 202, Wednesday, Sept. 4.

The Center for Advising and Career Development (CACD) and Wellbeing are partnering up to offer workshops that promote living well and success in all different areas.

Kyle Ross, an academic career advisor for the CACD, helps put on workshops that focus on time management.

“Wellbeing specializes in everything outside of academics, while the CACD specializes mainly in academics,” Ross said. “We both do academic workshops that also explain how these things can have a positive impact on your everyday life. So overall, we can cover all areas of emotional, spiritual, physical, and academic wellbeing.”

Other workshops offered this semester include stress and time management, bike riding and maintenance, junior writing portfolio guidance, resume building, healthy relationships, and self-defense.

“Every year we do an analysis of students who are academically deficient, and the No. 1 underlying problem they say they have is time management,” Ross said.

While leading a time management workshop, Ross explained that wellbeing events can benefit all different types of students.

“Every student has challenges that they face in college and beyond, whether it’s family, financial or even course work,” he said. “It’s important that students can learn ways to overcome these barriers or obstacles, and take great steps to become successful at WSU.”

Senior psychology major Ryan Templeton attended the time management workshop and said he thought the information presented was beneficial.

“I would come back; the material was well-organized, interactive, and not boring. The speaker was also really engaging and enthusiastic,” Templeton said. “This is a good learning experience because you discover new things every time, and it changes your perspective.”

Victoria Aydelotte, sophomore psychology counselor major, also believed the workshop helped her gain an understanding of time management.

“I’m a huge procrastinator, and this really helped bring new perspectives and new ideas to help my own time management and decrease my stress level,” she said. “It helped benefit me in different parts of my schedule and different parts of my life, not only academic planning but in planning my social life as well.”

Students constantly face different challenges while at school, but Aydelotte believes procrastination is the largest hurdle.

“People put things off that are hard or difficult. No one wants to sit and do something that they don’t understand or that is complicated,” she said. “People would rather spend time doing things that are fun or enjoyable.”

Templeton said that while procrastination is a problem among students, it is important for them to be aware of all aspects of their wellbeing while at school.

“A lot of people would say that students have a hard time with nutrition or something like that, but mental health is definitely a problem,” he said. “Sometimes students can have certain problems, like depression or an attention deficit disorder, and not know it, and it can have long and short term effects on their grades and schoolwork.”

Ross has found through his work with students that adjusting to the college environment is also a problem.

“Every semester brings a different adjustment, whether it’s your freshman year, you just moved into an apartment or you transferred from a two-year college,” he said.

For more information on Wellbeing workshops, visit wellbeing.wsu.edu for a full calendar of events.