Nomad art gallery starts in Pullman
‘Shrug Show’ is the first installment of new Stray Galleries
September 21, 2017
“Shrug Show,” an exhibit with a new project called Stray Galleries, is an art show for artists who are just starting out: the hidden artists, the trial and error dreamers.
The inspiration for “Shrug Show” was cooked up one night in the living room of Morganne Radziewicz and Amelia Warden. Both agreed that Pullman lacked an art scene. Not many artists are here in Pullman, and the ones that are in the area are usually all students in the arts program at WSU.
Once the show was thought up, the creators said they wanted it to be something that was fun, playful and accessible. It isn’t easy for artists to be shown in a gallery, Warden and Radziewicz said. There is a painstaking process that comes with being discovered.
Both Warden and Radziewicz started in majors other than arts. Radziewicz started as an English major, but she said she was always drawing. Now, she has a bachelor’s degree in fine arts.
Warden was more intrigued by the arts, but had a science background. Warden started in photography as a kid, and continued in mixed media and sculpting. However, she was always drawn to the sciences.
Usually, art and science aren’t put together in the same category, Warden said. Art has a more creative outlook on life, and science has more of an analytical outlook. But science and art were never separate in her mind, she said.
The show isn’t a traditional gallery in a fancy building, with the art on display for days or weeks. Instead, Warden and Radziewicz are taking a more nomadic and unconventional approach. The first show is starting in their living room, then hopefully moving to other homes and bars.
The general approach of the gallery is an encouragement to artists in the Pullman community that it doesn’t matter, and shouldn’t matter, what background an artist comes from.
The duo said that an artist can be an engineer with the passion for painting; an athlete who draws on the way to games; a faculty member who gets tired of grading papers and starts doodling; an art major looking for an opportunity to be seen in the community; or even an undecided major who is exploring every opportunity.
“Shrug Show,” with no theme for this installment, is a way to give back to the community. It is an opportunity to showcase what each artist does. Everyone has their own style, and as an artist, you don’t have to fit into a cookie cutter box, Warden said.
“Learn to embrace vulnerability,” she said.
“Shrug Show” is the first installment of the Stray Galleries, a gallery that will travel from location to location, only being on display for one night at each spot. Artwork for “Shrug Show” will be will be accepted through Oct. 1.
Work should have been created within the last two years and should be easy to transport. The artist is responsible for dropping off and picking up their work. All forms of media are accepted, but there is limited space available.
Contact Amelia Warden at [email protected] for more information and for a link to the submission form.
The first gallery, “Shrug Show,” will be open from 5 – 10 p.m. on Oct. 6 at 1138 NE Markley Dr., Apt. #11.