Remember your roots
It’s important to remember what shaped you as the fall semester continues
October 5, 2017
Starting college is an exciting time. For freshmen, it is the first time most of them are on their own. For returning students, it is continuing the education and memories that started their freshmen year.
While entering a new chapter in life, it’s important to remember where you came from, what keeps you grounded. Your roots in life can be an experience you learned from, came out of gasping for air, or one you want to remember and keep close to your heart. They can be the impact the people in your life have made.
If a storm hits and a tree does not have deep, strong roots, the tree will likely fall. The same can happen to us, but if you remember your roots, they will stay strong and keep you strong.
My storm came almost 10 years ago. My mom was diagnosed with ovarian cancer, which quickly progressed to a terminal stage 4. After battling for six years and trying treatment after treatment, she passed away.
I quickly had to learn how to be independent. My mom was one of the most important people in my life; she taught me household chores, how to cook, and most importantly, how to be a humble and good person.
Even throughout her treatments, she was the most selfless person I have ever known. She was a rock when she needed one herself. I like to believe that my strength came from her. She had so much influence on my life, and I didn’t know it until she was gone.
The first year was the hardest. I never wanted to be home, and I took every chance I could to get out. I felt like I was ready to live on my own. I had the tools my mom gave me and knew how to use them.
My mom’s death, in a hard way, prepared me for college and whatever happens next. I know how to take care of myself and what I want in life. I also know now that life is short and can end at any moment. I learned how to fight for what I wanted and what I needed.
College is the chance to find who you are. While it is a good time to try new things and look to the future, it is also good to stay with the things that keep you grounded and comfortable. Completely shutting out the past won’t do anyone any good, either. The past is what defines and shapes you to be who you are today.
Home is a good place to start if your roots are shrinking. Home may not be the place where you grow up and where your parents are. Home could be your best friend, significant other, church or the place where you feel the most comfortable.
Whatever they may be, don’t forget your roots. They are important to your growth and future. While there may be moments you’d like to forget, don’t completely shut them out. Roots provide nourishment to the branches.
Whether you are a few miles from home or an ocean away, these roots are what made you, so keep them strong.
“My roots always keep me grounded/Roots, remind me where I’m from/Even when I’m a thousand miles away from my roots/I’m home,” the Zac Brown Band sings in their song “Roots.”
Your roots are the people, the events and the experiences in your life — both good and bad. It is a month into the school year; new chapters are beginning, some are ending, but they all started from one source — roots.
Melanie Rittierodt is a freshman kinesiology major from Auburn. She can be contacted at [email protected].