Keys to success from Afroman

Rapper Afroman gives life advice and a great concert on the Palouse

Courtesy of Chris Gilmore

Afroman performing at The Venue Nightclub in Gainesville, Florida Feb. 16, 2011.

BLAINE ROSS, Evergreen columnist

When I think back to my high school career, I can clearly remember watching “those kids,” the edgy teens who would skip class to smoke weed.  They always came to class late, reeking of cheap weed and Axe body spray, singing Afroman’s “Because I Got High” or “Crazy Rap.”

Last Friday, Floyd’s Cannabis Co. brought Afroman to their Pullman store for a concert called “Afroman on The Palouse” and brought all of these fond high school memories back.

A few smaller acts and a current WSU student known by the stage name “The Blur” opened the show.

After Afroman woke up from his hotel nap, he hit the stage at 11 p.m. and played his classic hits “Because I Got High” and “Crazy Rap” as well as all the other middle school stoner anthems he wrote. Afroman also played new music that he made with fellow follower of the Devil’s lettuce, Snoop Dogg.

Courtesy of Zachary Rodriguez
Afroman had a concert in the Floyd’s Cannabis Co. parking lot Friday, performing some of his hits like “Because I Got High.”

Afroman proved himself to not only be a capable rapper but also a guitarist, soloing along to his music. His guitar style crosses hip-hop and blues, which was actually quite enjoyable to listen to. Not often are listeners blessed with a rapper who can actually play an instrument.

There was a VIP section at the venue and the festivities resembled that of a fever dream. I walked into the VIP lounge, which was filled with a haze of smoke that compared to the wildfires of Canada. White smoke billowed out of the building as the very tinted glass doors swung open and shut for the VIP attendees.

As I walked into the lounge, the first thing I saw through the smoke was the profile of a tall man wearing a mink coat, smoking a thick blunt. Through the mist I saw the man’s gorgeous afro accompanied by a long, luscious goatee. It became very clear who this eccentric character was, so I pilgrimed through the smoke to introduce myself.

As I shook Afroman’s hand, I observed his jewelry: on his hands were two massive rings, one a large Cadillac logo and the other a marijuana leaf. Accompanying his mink coat and prison-beige uniform was a thick gold rope chain around his neck.

After the show, I had the opportunity to have some one-on-one time with Afroman, despite a belligerently crossfaded kid who continually tried to give Afroman the most “dogshit” doobie in history while hugging him. A note to kids everywhere, don’t be like this guy. And don’t smoke shitty blunts.

When asked how he got to this point of success in his life, Afroman said, “Good music, hard work, cool people. You know what I’m saying? … Consistency, and eventually it all comes together, and you need a little luck in there, too.”

Afroman’s music is heavily influenced by his contemporaries and the hip-hop music of the ’90s. Afroman was influenced by “the whole rap game, anybody that was somebody.”

Afroman left me with one of the most wholesome pieces of life advice I’ve ever received. The major key to success and happiness in Afroman’s life was to “stay alone. Then choose your destination with peaceful people. Take it easy. Obey the principles of Jesus and the possibility of eternal life … you know, just to be safe.”

Blaine Ross is a freshman music education major from Montesano. He can be contacted at [email protected].