Dear Life Section,
Last semester I procrastinated turning in assignments on time and missed more classes than I should have. My GPA is not what it needs to be and I need to improve it. How do I get the support that will prepare me for a successful start and end to the semester?
Determined Student
Dear Determined Student,
The beginning of the semester is an interesting time for everyone. When all of your assignments are given during syllabus week, it’s common for students to put schoolwork on the back burner and not worry about it until the night it’s due. It’s okay, everyone has done it at least once—it’s part of the college experience. But break that habit and appreciate the benefits of getting a head start on the semester.
Turn in assignments early. Bored between classes? Can’t find something interesting to watch at home? Get a head start on your assignments! Even a little bit of work each day will make the assignment less stressful when the due date comes. Completing an assignment the night it’s due often means it isn’t done to the best of your ability. Don’t procrastinate—finish your assignments as soon as they’re posted.
Utilize your resources. Peer tutoring is free and offered for more than 20 majors and classes. Tutoring services are a great way to connect with peers while strengthening your knowledge and confidence in school.
If your professor offers extra credit, take every opportunity offered and do it to the best of your ability—maybe even turn it in early.
It’s very likely that if you ask your professor for personal extra credit, the answer will be no. That’s okay. Office hours are a great way to get clarity on concepts while also speaking face-to-face with your instructor.
Having a conversation with your professor or TA shows you’re trying to be successful and understand the material. Make it clear to your instructors that you’re passionate about excelling in class. Do not email them in week 16 asking for a grade bump—do the work now so you won’t have to worry about passing.
Study, study, study. Make flashcards and read your textbook front to back. Writing down information is scientifically proven to help you remember. Have the Writing Center or a peer look over your papers before you turn them in. Sometimes professors will look over your paper and give feedback before it’s due—it doesn’t hurt to ask.
While last semester may have been hard, the start of a new semester is an opportunity to do better. Use the resources provided at the beginning of the semester to set yourself up for success. During week 16 you won’t regret turning in assignments early, going to the Writing Center or attending office hours.
Take advantage of your resources—your tuition pays for them!
The Life Section