Dad’s visit: A taste of home

RACHEL SUN | The Daily Evergreen

Brittany Valencia says she is planning to go to the football game with her dad.

RACHEL SUN, Evergreen Roots editor

Name, age: Brittany Valencia, 18

Major, year: Undecided, freshman

Do you have plans this weekend?
“[My dad’s] going to cook for me, make me rice and beans, and then we’re going to the football game. He’s going to buy me some Cougar gear, and then he’s going to drive me around, and we’re going to bond.”

Is your dad a really good cook?
“He makes this really good thing — it’s like, shrimp, and it’s wrapped in bacon. And like, Thousand Island with some ketchup or something — it’s like a secret sauce. He puts it in and he cooks it, and it’s the best thing I’ve ever eaten.”

What’s a cool memory with your dad?
“This one time, we went to Wenatchee, and he saved my life. We were on the Wenatchee River, and we didn’t know how fast it was. All of a sudden it started going really fast, and I’m telling you — I was like, 12 years old. The boat tipped, and I was in the water and I was drowning, and he picked me up and he saved me.”

How would you describe your dad?
“He’s the best dad ever. He’s really kindhearted and genuine. He’ll give up his life for someone that he loves. He’ll fight for anyone — he’s really strong, inside and out.”