Pullman PD receives drone certification

Keisha Brokaw | Daily Evergreen File

The Pullman Police Department can now choose to license officers as drone pilots in-house instead of making them go through FAA commericial testing.

IAN SMAY, Evergreen reporter

The Federal Aviation Administration issued the Pullman Police Department a Certificate of Authorization for drones.

The certification, which carries the full name of “Public Agency small Unmanned Aircraft System Certificate of Authorization,” allows the department to license their officers instead of requiring them to earn a commercial FAA license, Chief of Police Gary Jenkins said in a news release Wednesday.

The department received permission to fly drones at night, according to the release. The COA also allows for operation in seven counties between Washington and Idaho. The counties in Washington include Adams, Asotin, Columbia, Garfield and Whitman, while the counties in Idaho are Latah and Nez Perce. Sheriffs in each county wrote letters of support for the operations.