Kazzuzzapalousa cancels weekend music festival
April 16, 2014
Due to unexpected circumstances, KZUU has announced the cancellation of their Kazzuzapalousa event.
Jasmine Albertson, general manager for KZUU, said there were a number of reasons for the cancellation including a lack of funds due to budgeting issues.
“This is our first year, so there were things we didn’t know we were supposed to do at certain points,” Albertson said. “It’s a lot tougher to put on a music festival than one would think.”
A major factor that needs improvement in the future is promotions, she said. A Facebook page and website were made. Posters were planned. But the process of making posters was pushed back, which affected publicity.
Albertson said 150 people on Facebook commented that they would go. However, it is hard to say which of those 150 actually bought tickets. A week before the festival was scheduled to occur, only a handful of tickets were sold.
Despite drawbacks and the cancellation, KZUU plans to revive the festival next year. Albertson said a festival manager position within KZUU will be made to better distribute focus.
“I feel like it’s going to go off without a hitch after everything we learned,” she said.