Program educates students about oppression

Housing, Residence Life hosting event to acknowledge discrimination against marginalized groups of people


Griffin Hogan, assistant hall director at McEachern Hall, talks about the benefits of Rooms of Reflection and the goal of the program Tuesday in McEachern Hall. “Awareness is something that college students really need,” he said.

EMMA LEDBETTER, Evergreen news editor

The oppression marginalized groups face will be discussed among students at Rooms of Reflection, an event designed to promote awareness for social issues.

The event, formerly Tunnel of Oppression and Rooms of Resistance, is hosted by Housing and Residence Life and is open to all WSU students.

Event organizers hope that through Rooms of Reflection, students will see discrimination in ways they never have before. This will ultimately help them understand how other community members may struggle due to oppression.

“Going to an event like this where you can hear different perspectives and gain information about the lives of the people around you is extremely beneficial I think for college students especially,” said Griffin Hogan, an assistant hall director and committee member tasked with planning Rooms of Reflection.

In past years, the event has drawn over 500 students from the WSU community, Hogan said. Housing and Residence Life hopes to increase the number this year, especially by reaching out to members of Greek Life.

He said Rooms of Reflection takes place at Ensminger Pavilion and is set up for participants to walk through eight rooms. Each one will focus on a different marginalized population and the discrimination it encounters.

For example, one of the rooms students will see this year showcases how people with disabilities are impacted by ableism in society, Hogan said.

After passing through each room, there will be time to pause for a discussion and reflection, he said. This time is meant to encourage students to think about how oppression is present in their own lives, as well as at WSU and greater Pullman communities.

Hogan said the reflection periods will also help students think about how they can be advocates and allies for others.

He said ideally students will be more aware and prepared to face social issues after completing the walk through the rooms.

“Awareness is something that college students really need,” Hogan said.

Rooms of Reflection tours are 40-50 minutes and will be available Sunday to Tuesday from 5 p.m. to the last tour at 8 p.m. in Ensminger Pavilion.