Local cafe adds beer, wine bar with grand reopening
Coffee shop to aim for European atmosphere, reopens this afternoon
CJ Robert, owner of Pups and Cups, explains the struggles of revamping the space and redesigning the menu Tuesday at Pups and Cups Cafe. Along with her family, Robert was able to prepare the cafe in eight days.
January 11, 2019
Want a coffee but don’t want to wait in the Starbucks line in the Spark? Are you a dog lover? Pups and Cups Cafe will host its grand reopening from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. on Friday. The cafe will now include a beer and wine bar.
Owner CJ Robert and General Manager Steven Mislosky will cut the ribbon with Mayor Glenn Johnson at 3:30 p.m. to welcome the community to the new-and-improved cafe.
Robert said she wants Pups and Cups to be the hangout spot for WSU students — not just to study, but to enjoy their time, like patrons in a European cafe typically do.
Mislosky said Pups and Cups sells their coffee for $6 or less, including tax, so drinks are more accessible to students.
“We really want the students to feel that they aren’t spending a lot of money for their experience here,” Mislosky said. “We also know there are international students, and everywhere over the world, tax is already included in the prices … Since we also want the European vibe, we also did tax included.”
The cafe will update its menu items so they are versatile for everyone. They will offer paninis, a tasting board and more gluten-free options.
“There will also be a new menu item that is made by three old ladies that is called ‘dancing chocolate,’ which is chocolate that swirls around like a lava lamp,” Robert said.
In the future, the cafe will host fondue tastings and offer vegan options. In addition to new food options, Robert and Mislosky said they are excited to announce they will have wine, root beer and cream soda on tap. They will also sell beer.
Mislosky said the cafe welcomes people of all ages.
“Just because there will be alcohol doesn’t mean that people younger than 21 can’t come in,” Mislosky said.
Robert and Mislosky are huge Harry Potter fans and will also make “butterbeer” with sodas on tap. When you walk in, you will see the cafe displays a sorting hat to commemorate Harry Potter. The owners also decorate with local pieces made by art students at WSU.
As you take in the decor, Robert’s giant dog will greet you. As the bar is dog-friendly, the owners made sure to include a bar for customers’ pets, filled with treats, food and water for pooches.

Grace Montgomery and her dog Eleanor hang out at the Pups & Cups Cafe on Feb. 15.
Robert has many passions. She said she’s proud everything in the store comes from recycled material, including the frames, chairs, tables and bars. Robert said she made all the decor from leftover deck wood, the trim of her house and material from a church.
They’ve also included locally sourced Northwest wines and beers. Robert said their cheese is from Beecher’s and Ferdinand’s Ice Cream Shoppe, and they will use Ferdinand’s ice cream to make root beer and beer floats. Their 30 loose-leaf teas also come from a fellow business owner in Pullman, and they sweeten their tea with local honey.
Another fun addition to Pups and Cups is a competition case and raffle. The glass case is divided to represent two sides, like Cougars vs. Huskies. Patrons can vote by writing their name and number on a wine bottle cork and dropping their cork into the side of the case representing their preferred opponent. After the cork votes pile up, the owners will randomly choose the winner by picking a cork from the most popular opponent’s side.
Robert hopes the raffle will get community members involved. She said she values team effort.
“My family came up from Oregon to help me get this up and going,” Robert said. “We were able to complete this in eight days, and if not for them, it would have taken longer.”
If you want anything from a good bite to eat, a coffee or tea — or maybe beer or wine — to drink or just some pooches to hang out with, Pups and Cups is for you! The ribbon cutting will take place Friday at 3:30 p.m. and is open to all.