WSU regents will debate school funding
Proposal argues new facility is ‘critical’ to school
WSU Board of Regents members Brett Blankenship, left, Ron Sims and Alyssa Norris listen to a discussion during the Regents meeting Sept. 21, 2017.
January 24, 2019
The WSU Board of Regents will begin a two-day retreat for their first meeting of the new year today at SeaTac.
Regents plan to discuss and approve funding for expansions to the Bailey-Brayton Field as well as marketing of WSU’s Cosmic Crisp Apple.
With regards to Bailey-Brayton Field, regents will vote on whether to approve a $10 million project for the construction of a “baseball clubhouse” at the field.
“This facility is considered critical to allow WSU to continue to compete at the highest level with peer programs in the Pac-12 Conference,” the project proposal states.
The new building will hold locker rooms, a pitching lab, academic spaces and meeting rooms for WSU’s baseball program.
According to the funding proposal, 65 percent of the costs will be paid for through donations to the athletics department. The other 35 percent is proposed to come from the university’s general revenue and will be repaid over five years.
On the Cosmic Crisp apple, regents will vote on a proposal to allocate $10.1 million to increase consumer demand for the apples through marketing over the next four years.
According to the proposal, Cosmic Crisp production is on the rise. Supply of the apple will rise to 175,000 40-pound cases available in 2019. This is projected to reach 5 million cases by 2021.
“With such a large supply of Cosmic Crisp apples expected in the market,” the proposal states. “It is in the best interest of Washington growers and WSU to ensure that there is an appropriate, corresponding level of customer demand.”
The marketing campaign will be paid for in full through revenue from Cosmic Crisp royalties, the proposal states.
The two-day meeting begins today at 6 p.m. at Cedarbrook Lodge in SeaTac. It will continue into Friday beginning at 8 a.m.