Tattoo parlor strives for creativity, welcoming environment

Blood Diamond Ink provides ideal atmosphere for clients; staff love wearable artwork


Dan Garceau, who has worked as a tattoo artist for 3 years at Blood Diamond Ink, explains why he loves working there on Saturday at Blood Diamond Ink. “I saw an opportunity to pursue art,” he says.

SANDY VO, Evergreen reporter

A tattoo artist at Blood Diamond Ink describes the parlor’s environment as a social place that feels like a bar — without the alcohol and the idiocy.

“That’s what it should feel like in a tattoo place,” Dan Garceau said.

Garceau said he has been working at the tattoo shop for three-and-a-half years.

“I started working here because I’ve been friends with the owner for decades,” he said. “I saw an opportunity to pursue art.”

The owner of Blood Diamond Ink, Chris Peltier, said he opened the tattoo parlor about six years ago.

“I had an uncle who was a tattoo artist and I absolutely fell in love with the idea of it — the fact you can put artwork on skin and have it be there forever,” Peltier said.  

He said the tattoo artists at the parlor produce a diverse range of artwork. Garceau likes to do floral and colored tattoos, but he also likes to expand and try new things.

“That’s the cool thing about Pullman,” he said. “We get to do a little bit of everything.”

Peltier said tattoo shops should offer a sterile and friendly environment where people want to hang out.

“We have a lot of different types of personality here [and we’re] constantly interacting with our clients,” he said.

Emily Fountain, senior elementary education major, said she goes to Blood Diamond Ink because they have great reviews.

“I have been in Blood Diamond Ink four or five times for both piercings and tattoos. I really enjoyed the atmosphere,” Fountain said. “The atmosphere was so calm and welcoming.”

Fountain also spoke highly about the employees.

“They want to give you the best experience with as little pain as possible,” she said.

Peltier said his favorite part about his job is the projects he engages in and the people he interacts with.

“Sometimes our clients aren’t as cool as I expect them to be, but we treat them no different,” he said, “I think all of us here having [our own] kids really help with our customer service and being patient.”

Throughout high school he wrote essays on tattooing, and teachers would tell him it was not a realistic profession.

“I just kept wanting to be a tattoo artist,” Peltier said. “I kept drawing and finally fell into an apprenticeship when I was 20.”

Peltier said he has been tattooing for 15 years, but for the first seven years he was also a construction worker.

“Same with most of the guys here — working two jobs until you know you’re comfortable enough with what you’re doing to take that leap of faith to take care of your family,“ he said. “It’s called ‘Dharma’ — doing what you’re supposed to do in life, and not many people find it so it’s hard to trust that.”