Memorial reflects on the world after 9/11, its effects
Mission43 hosts annual tribute of the people lost 18 years ago
Zach Tibbits, Hire Heroes USA transition specialist, discusses the mission behind Mission43 and the reason it was a started Saturday night in Moscow, Idaho.
September 9, 2019
An Idaho-based organization held a 9/11 Moving Tribute on Sept. 7. This Wednesday marks the 18th anniversary of 9/11, where 2,977 people were killed, and more than 6,000 injured, including 412 emergency workers. With this tragic event, one message has been spread for years: “Never Forget.”
Mission43 in Idaho is not only spreading that message, but they are also helping veterans and their families within the community.
“The world that we live in today isn’t the same as it was 19 years ago, and even 18 years and one week ago,” Stephen Tamm, the North Idaho regional manager for Mission43 said.
This event helped the community come together to remember those lives lost and to just have a good time, Zach Tibbits, Hire Heroes USA transition specialist, said.
Stephen Tamm said there were four phases to the event; multiple marches, a 5k run and a tailgate event.
The Idaho Army National Guard marched the American flag and the Flag of Honor, which marks the names of all the victims who died on 9/11, a little over three miles. There was a 5K fun run on the University of Idaho campus. Followed by a tailgate event with people carrying the flags around the tailgating festivities.
Flag bearers marched through the campus and downtown Moscow, where they met the Moscow Volunteer Fire Department.
“This is the first year it’s been just Moscow-based,” Tibbits said.
The event started last year and was located in Lewiston, and had traveled up to Moscow. Tibbits said that changed this year and most of the events happened on the UI campus.
On top of holding events like this, there are multiple events Mission43 holds throughout the year to support veterans and their families, Tamm and Tibbits said.
There are four pillars to Mission43; education, employment, purpose and connection. Tamm said the one that truly sticks out to him is connection.
“One of the greatest takeaways from 9/11 was recognizing the sense of community that we have as a nation, then if we can do that in our smaller communities, that’s the best way to recognize and memorialize that,” Tamm said.
There are various happy hours and coffee hours put on by Mission43 where people can come meet others, and connect with people who have been or currently are in similar situations.
“It’s all about bringing the family together, the whole military family,” Tamm said.
There are also professional resources for veterans. This organization helps them prepare for job interviews and cover letters, people aren’t necessarily taught these things in the military, Tamm said.
Tamm served in the Marine Corps and transitioned out in 2007. For the past 12 years, he has tried to find organizations that work well, and when he found out about Mission43, he was immediately drawn to it. He was connected to the ability to provide resources for a younger generation of veterans, Tamm said.
Mission43 is Idaho based and will stay like that for the future. Anyone interested in volunteering for or who are looking for resources themselves, can visit for more information, Tibbits said.