WSU Panhellenic council speaks out against hazing
Greek community to hold hazing prevention events in October
Sophia Butowicz, vice president of accountability and standards for Panhellenic Council, discusses hazing prevention among the Greek community at WSU on Thursday afternoon in the CUB. The Council is planning additional events for the month of October.
October 1, 2019
Last Monday marked the beginning of National Hazing Prevention Week, which is dedicated to educating sorority members and bringing awareness to the dangers of hazing.
Ani Duni, Panhellenic president, said they invited Kim Novak, founder and CEO of NovakTalks to speak. Novak speaks to members and meets with chapter presidents.
Sophia Butowicz, Panhellenic VP of standards and accountability, said their guest, usually Kim Novak, holds community forums to educate and bring awareness of hazing issues. She will then regroup to make sure they are on the same page.
Duni said Novak was on her way to WSU on Sunday but had to turn around to go home due to a family emergency.
“So, we have been doing mostly social media promotions of it, but we’re pushing everything back so were doing something in October now,” she said.
Duni said this week they have been participating in the Week of Kindness, tabling with ASWSU.
The WSU Greek community is always taking steps in the right direction each year, Butowicz said, and works to better educate members about hazing.
She said that it is stated in their bylaws they have a zero-tolerance policy for hazing.
“We don’t accept it and we don’t endorse it any way shape or form,” Butowicz said. “As a council, we provide education through programs throughout the entire community so that they are aware of what hazing is, what it looks like and how to report it.”
Duni said there is a step-by-step process when an incident report is filed about hazing.
The VP’s of standards and accountability will review the incident report and then send it to the Greek standards board, she said. The chapter will be called for a hearing and will be unrecognized if found guilty of hazing.
“We deal with it exactly the same. We don’t treat it any differently whether it’s sororities or fraternities, it’s all just as serious,” she said.