Clothing drive to support transitioning students

From staff reports

The ASWSU Gender and Sexuality Alliance (GSA) is organizing a clothing drive to provide support for individuals transitioning to a new gender.

Lucy Worth, programming co-chair for GSA, said the event is at 5 to 9 p.m. on Feb. 18 in the Compton Union Building (CUB) Junior Ballroom. The purpose is to provide a safe and judgment-free way for people who are transitioning to get clothes.

“If their parents don’t approve or if they have other reasons they can’t openly change wardrobe, we’re providing a safe place for them to come and get clothes that can help them express their identity,” Worth said.

The clothing drive will have tables lined with clothing and designated changing areas where people can try on different outfits. The GSA is currently organizing refreshments for the event and working to schedule a musician to perform, Worth said.

A lot of clothing for the drive has been donated to the Gender Identity/Expression and Sexual Orientation Resource Center (GIESORC) in CUB Room 401, Worth said. The GSA has been collecting clothes at their weekly meetings.

Worth said they have been collaborating with GSA at the University of Idaho to get the word out about the drive, and they expect to receive even more clothes before the event.

The leftover clothes from last year’s GSA clothing drive were given to GSA at the University of Idaho for their own drive, and Worth said it’s a possibility for this year as well.

Reporting by Dennis Farrell