Pullman Public Schools close for six weeks
Students possibly exposed to virus in Spokane; unknown how classes will be made up
Shannon Focht, communications coordinator for Pullman School District, said schools will remain closed until April 27.
March 17, 2020
Pullman Public Schools closed Monday to limit interactions that could spread COVID-19. The schools will not reopen until April 27.
Shannon Focht, communications coordinator for Pullman Public Schools, said they initially planned to be open Monday to see students one last time before the transition. Schools were closed Friday for professional development.
Focht said Pullman students were present at a robotics competition in Spokane last weekend where there was a person with a confirmed case of COVID-19.
According to a press release, school officials decided to cancel school on Monday “out of an abundance of caution” for those who may have been exposed at the event.
Focht said she does not know of any Pullman students who were exposed or have confirmed cases.
Schools are currently being “deep cleaned,” which involves disinfecting more surfaces than is usual during regular cleaning practices, Focht said.
School officials are waiting on guidance from the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction regarding how missed classes will be made up, she said.
“There’s a lot that’s still not known,” Focht said.
Officials are currently working to develop a website with activities and resources for students to continue learning during the six weeks off, Focht said.
Grab-and-go breakfast and lunch will be available starting Wednesday at each school. They are also doing meal deliveries along normal bus routes every morning around 10 a.m., she said.
Students do not need to qualify for free and reduced meals to get breakfast or lunch.
Kayline Bourgeois • Mar 20, 2020 at 7:34 am
If the schools closed to quell the spread of covid19. Then why are parents letting their kids run the streets. It defeats the purpose of the closures. As well as the president schools headstart and day care centers. People aren’t taking this seriously, and it will put others at risk. Parents need to keep their kids at home, for their protection as well as others.