Letter to the editor: Army ROTC at WSU is the best decision you could make
May 18, 2016
As a student who is affiliated with the Army ROTC program at Washington State University, you become aware of the fact that not many individuals understand what it is like and how being a part of Army ROTC can benefit you further in life, but also take up a lot of time to where you need to be efficient when it comes to time management.
Being in ROTC you are referred to as a cadet, and as a cadet your goal at the end of your four years is to earn your commission as a Second Lieutenant. An average week for a full time student who is involved in Army ROTC is hectic. We attend the same academic classes as any student, but also have a separate Military Science class unique to Army ROTC.
On Monday, Wednesday, and Friday we have physical training in the morning before most students are awake. On Wednesday afternoons we have our weekly leadership lab. This lab can focus on various topics, but centers on leadership, critical thinking, creative thinking and ethical decision making. These labs build on our individual leadership, knowledge of military tactics, and our personal confidence.
Additionally, Army ROTC conducts a weekend leadership development exercise each semester that tests the cadets’ ability to lead in complex, real-world-based scenarios. These exercises are where we put into practice the concepts learned in our classes and leadership labs. As you become upperclassmen in the program you start to have more responsibility, such as more of a leadership role in the ROTC.
As an Army ROTC cadet you will learn leadership, military tactics, obtain critical thinking skills, develop creative thinking, and understand ethical decisions that were taught in class, leadership labs, and field training exercises. You develop as a leader from the Army ROTC program, which is what you want as a Second Lieutenant in the United States Army.
As you progress in the program you will start to see personal development within yourself. The Cougar Battalion at Washington State University is the best Army ROTC program in the country to attend because the cadre understands you are a student first and a cadet second which is extremely vital for the cadets. The cadre are also caring, and with all their experience we learn a lot from our cadre. Army ROTC at Washington State University is not easy, but it is the best decision you could make.
The opinions expressed in the article are solely those of the author and do not reflect those of the United States Government, the Department of Defense, or the United States Army.
The opinions expressed in this letter to the editor are not necessarily those of the staff of The Daily Evergreen or those of The Office of Student Media.