OPINION: iPhone, Android users can live together in harmony

One columnist weighs in on the tech feud


Whether you’re an Apple purist or an Android enthusiast, both sides have something for everyone.


My first phone was a super basic Android phone, and since then I have sworn that I’d rather die than own an iPhone because iPhones were horrible and my terrible little Android phone was clearly far superior to anything Apple would ever make.

Eight years later, I own the iPhone 11 Pro Max and, surprise, I’m not dead. I wasn’t forced to buy it against my will. I walked into my carrier’s store and asked for the iPhone and left happy.

So, does that mean that there’s hope for us to get along with fellow humans who have the opposite phone operating system of our own?

Let’s talk about why I switched and why it took me so long to switch. I liked that my Android was vastly more customizable. I liked my widgets, the multiple buttons and the Google app store. More importantly, I detested iTunes and the App Store that never worked and always needed to be updated.

At 21, I was jealous of all the games people could play with their friends in iMessage that I couldn’t. I liked the super simple OS and layout (at this time, I didn’t even use about 90 percent of the customization I used to love), and I liked the number of cases available for iPhones. I’ve had an iPhone since January and I love it.

Pullman resident Morgan Bowe put it well.

“iPhones are for the basic person who likes nice pictures and selfies with the selfie light case … for the people who are not ‘tech geeks,’” Bowe said.

Bowe said the typical Android user is a tech enthusiast with strong feelings about the debates between different platforms. They are fond of customizing and digging deeper into the platform than the average mobile phone user.

Blake Peters, senior material science and engineering major, said he’s a devoted iPhone user because he never had an issue with any of the iPhones he owned in the past.

Another student, however, said she explicitly left the iPhone train because of the issues she had like Apple’s poor customer service.

“My phone was in a constant state of restarting and they told me it was my fault, so I bought a replacement phone and then a little bit over a year later, the same thing happened and they blamed me again,” recent WSU graduate Madison Levesque said. “It just depends on what you prefer.”

Each phone has its own merits and drawbacks that work for different people. I won’t even dive down the rabbit hole of Apple’s ghost software scandal. I hope we can all agree that the lack of compatibility between both phones is awful and fuels this feud.

At the end of the day, it’s a to-each-their-own argument. We can live in peace. Bowe and her husband are living proof that people can coexist with a split opinion — Bowe swears by Apple products even if her husband won’t touch them with a ten-foot pole.

Blue or green text messages — we can all coexist.