ASWSU Senate appoints communications senator

Communications team will create new voting campaign that will encourage students to register to vote


The ASWSU communications team has been working on the “Why I Wear a Mask” campaign to inform students about COVID-19.


The ASWSU Senate filled the communication position and confirmed the Asian Pacific American Student Coalition chair during Wednesday night’s meeting.

The Senate confirmed Bailey Halpin, senior human resource management major and current president of the APASC, as the organization’s chair.

Halpin said the organization is focusing on keeping students engaged and creating an environment that welcomes cultural diversity.

Ashley Delligatti, senior public relations and sociology double major, was appointed as communications senator.

Delligatti presented to the Senate during last week’s meeting for the administrative assistant spot, but the position ultimately went to Amanpreet Chhokar.

The Senate recommended her for the communications position at the previous meeting, saying she would be a good fit due to her strong leadership skills and passion for advocacy.

Delligatti said she will be working closely with The Edward R. Murrow College of Communication, and its advisers to expand the college’s social media presence.

“I think we need to kind of up our game and get to the target audience,” she said.

The ASWSU communications team has been working on various projects including the “Why I Wear a Mask” campaign, said Zachary Mora, ASWSU director of communications. Members of the team have been creating graphics to inform students about COVID-19.

The team hopes to create a campaign about COVID-19 that targets underclassmen, he said.

“We know that they’re all craving that college experience, like doing stuff with friends,” he said, “and they’re not getting that so they might be a little bit tempted to bend the rules or break protocol.”

The team wants to remind everyone to be patient and follow the rules, he said, so WSU students can return to the in-person experience.

The team is also planning a campaign focused on getting students registered to vote before election season in November, he said.