Arts Commission cancels ArtFest for second year

COVID-19 regulations in May are uncertain; five designs submitted for mural


Jeri Harris, Pullman Arts Commission chair, wrote in an email that the commission will present a Pullman Window Walk to City Council.

EMMA LEDBETTER, Evergreen news editor

The Pullman Arts Commission voted in a meeting Tuesday to cancel this year’s ArtFest due to COVID-19 concerns.

Commissioners are unsure if COVID-19 restrictions will be lifted or changed by May, when ArtFest is typically held. 

In past years, the event has featured an art walk, street fair and live music, according to a Daily Evergreen article. ArtFest was also canceled in 2020 because of COVID-19.

Instead, the commission is planning the Pullman Window Walk. Local artists will have the opportunity to showcase their art in vacant storefront windows, according to a draft document about the event. 

The commission will present the window walk idea to City Council for approval, commission chair Jeri Harris wrote in an email. 

Five designs have been submitted by three artists for the “End Racism Now” mural, Harris wrote. The mural will be located on the corner of Paradise and Spring Streets.