WSU’s online resources make learning about fashion accessible

Resources make fashion easier for students searching for their style


Fashion changes every year and people follow changes every decade.

MEGHAN HENRY, Evergreen managing editor

Style is an outward expression of yourself, and although it might not fit in with current trends, it’s still important to express yourself in that way — even if others think you look foolish for not dressing like everyone else.

Many people are intrigued by the idea of “being trendy,” but have no foundation aside from influencers and cute outfits their friends put together. 

When people think of fashion, ultimately it boils down to a consumer going into a store, looking at an item and saying, ‘This represents me, this represents my style. I want this piece of clothing to outwardly present to people and the world that this is who I am,'” said Jennifer Rossi, senior apparel, merchandising, design and textiles major. 

When individuals begin to figure out their own sense of style, the easiest way to find pieces they connect with is to go into a store and shop straight off the mannequin. 

Although this approach creates ease when styling outfits later, it doesn’t allow people much flexibility to create their own style. What they see is what they stick with because they know the outfit looks good.

I think many people fear looking ridiculous when trying something new with their style, but truly there is no right or wrong. 

There is one difference between dressing based on what influencers share and dressing to find and fit your own style: where you shop. And as many of us know, one of the best places to get unique pieces is at thrift stores.

Thrift stores compile a vast array of clothing: different silhouettes, fabrics and sizes are often available. You can even find pieces from entirely different decades of fashion if you take the time to dig.

The greatest asset you can bring to your own sense of style is understanding what looks good on you and what personality you want to represent through your clothes. 

Shopping at thrift and second-hand stores, or even using apps like Poshmark, Depop or ThriftUp, creates a greater opportunity for you to find pieces that more closely fit the identity you have created.

But it takes time, and this is where I was lost — I had no idea where to begin. There were the extravagant runway looks that were always a bit too much, and there were specific pieces both friends and influencers would wear, just like everyone else. 

I wanted to find the in-between, and talking to an AMDT major with a love for fashion helped me find those resources.

“WSU is really great about resources,” Rossi said. “Something that I highly recommend is actually going to the fashion part of the WSU library because they have resources that students can use.”

Despite what you may think, this ample library of fashion magazines and other information is incredibly helpful for finding styles and pieces that you like. 

Having an idea for what people have worn in the past can be helpful for setting the tone for what you will enjoy wearing as you continue to build your personal style. 

There’s an actual fashion database, and they have billions, I swear billions of fashion magazines in the library. They’re older, but they have great stuff in them,” Rossi said. “When I think about fashion, you have so much potential to look at the past for inspiration.”

When working on new pieces or lines, designers often look through past trends – even through entire decades – for inspiration. I had heard the idea that fashion is “cyclical.” As years go by, silhouettes and certain styles drift in and out of fashion. 

“[Fashion] is more or less a pendulum, not so much a cycle. At one end, you have something that is very skin-tight or possibly showing a lot of skin,” Rossi said. “The other side of the pendulum covers more of your body. It may have a fuller silhouette. And throughout time you’ll go back and forth.”

This pendular characteristic of fashion makes it fundamental to browse through years of fashion for inspiration to bring to your own closet. 

Aside from the fashion library at WSU, you can also use your WSU email to create an account on a trend forecasting website called WGSN.

This site compiles trends forecasted for beauty, wellness, home décor, fashion and even tips for sustainability in fashion and life — which is an influential movement within the fashion industry right now. 

“In order to grow one’s own style, looking at both influencers and forecasting sites like WGSN are helpful,” Chanmi Hwang, AMDT assistant professor said. “Those are all gatekeepers in the fashion industry; influencing what is in trend and fashionable.”

By having access to this website, people are now able to see the trends that designers are relying on to create lines for women, men and kids of all ages up until the 2025 fashion seasons.

With these resources at our disposal and a little extra effort put into finding pieces that truly fit your style, it’s not hard to imagine a trendy future for you and your Instagram feed.