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The student voice of Washington State University since 1895

The Daily Evergreen

The student voice of Washington State University since 1895

The Daily Evergreen

The student voice of Washington State University since 1895

The Daily Evergreen

HALLE LONG, Evergreen reporter

Halle Long is a freshmen multimedia journalism and Chinese major from the Tri-Cities. She describes herself as a bookworm who loves learning new languages. Her favorite color is orange.

All content by HALLE LONG
Jordan Lusby, 8-year-old slime maker and the youngest Mrs. Claus’ Holiday Bazaar seller, discusses her business Saturday at the Latah County Fair and Event Center.

Holiday bazaar hosts town business booths

HALLE LONG, Evergreen reporter
November 14, 2018
Long, pictured above, had trouble coming up with recipes that would satisfy her complicated diet. While veganism comes with multiple health benefits, raw veganism is more strict about excluding any cooked food.

Cook your food, raw veganism is too hard

HALLE LONG, Evergreen reporter
September 18, 2018
Zoey, a Miniature Australian Shepherd, runs the ball back to her owner after enjoying a game of fetch.

Newbie’s guide to puppy-handling

HALLE LONG, Evergreen reporter
September 16, 2018
Victory Jones, the public relations representative for the Student Book Corporation, emphasizes that the corporation is to help students with funding.

Book corporation voiced by Cougs, for Cougs

HALLE LONG, Evergreen reporter
September 6, 2018
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