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The student voice of Washington State University since 1895

The Daily Evergreen

The student voice of Washington State University since 1895

The Daily Evergreen

The student voice of Washington State University since 1895

The Daily Evergreen

Since his arrest on Dec. 30 2022, the Kohberger trial has been one of the most talked about news events in the area

Kohberger granted change of venue

MAKANI PANG, Evergreen news editor September 9, 2024

Judge John Judge granted Kohberger’s motion for a change of venue in an order released Monday. On Jan. 30, Kohberger's defense team filed a motion for a change of venue, citing a memorandum submitted...

The Latah County Human Rights Task Force hosting the MLK Human Rights Breakfast

“It’s one thing to be awake to the world, it’s another thing to act and do something”

ANNIE HAGER January 19, 2023

For the last 29 years, the Latah County Human Rights Task Force has held a community breakfast to honor Martin Luther King Jr. This year, the breakfast will be at 9:30 a.m. on Jan. 21 at Moscow Middle...

Pullman-Moscow Regional Airport's new terminal set to open to the public by May 2024

Third daily Seattle flight returns to Pullman-Moscow

SAM TAYLOR, Evergreen sports co-editor February 10, 2022

*Editor's note: this story has been updated with accurate numbers and plane information. The Pullman-Moscow Regional Airport had an eventful first month of the year, adding a third daily flight to Seattle...

Volunteeers with Family Promise of the Palouse prepare beds in a local church for families experiencing homelessness in Moscow, Idaho.

A promise given, a promise kept

FRANKIE BEER, Evergreen news editor October 21, 2021

Based in Moscow, Family Promise of the Palouse provides housing, meals and hope for families experiencing homelessness in Whitman and Latah counties.  In Family Promise’s day center, families...

As of Tuesday, the county has confirmed a total of 1,551 COVID-19 cases, according to the Whitman County Public Health website. Age groups 1-19 and 20-39 years make up 1,221 cases. It is unknown how many of those individuals are WSU students and how many are non-students.

COVID-19 cases are rising among non-student adult population, according to WSU-issued letter

ALEXANDRIA OSBORNE, Editor-in-chief October 14, 2020

The number of COVID-19 cases continues to increase in Whitman County among college-aged individuals, as is the number of cases among non-student populations, according to a letter WSU issued last week.  As...

Latah County residents can participate in virtual performances, as well as check out summer reading titles chosen by library staff.

Latah County libraries provides summer reading, virtual performances

CHERYL AARNIO, Evergreen reporter June 8, 2020

Residents of Latah County can get their fill of reading, crafts and virtual performances this summer through the Latah County Library District. LCLD is offering a Neighborhood Reads program with the...

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