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The student voice of Washington State University since 1895

The Daily Evergreen

The student voice of Washington State University since 1895

The Daily Evergreen

The student voice of Washington State University since 1895

The Daily Evergreen

The American Legion presents an award to five police officers for their heroism during September's College Hill shooting at the Pullman City Coucil meeting on March 29.

Law enforcement, firefighters receive American Legion awards

MOLLY WILK, Evergreen reporter March 30, 2022

Jerry Coker and Ted Weatherly, Pullman Police Department commander and adjutant, presented American Legion Awards honoring first responders at the Pullman City Council meeting Tuesday night. Whitcom...

Northside Residence Hall, October 13, 2021.

Pullman Fire Department responds to increase in fire alarm calls

JOSIAH PIKE, Copy editor October 15, 2021

Pullman Fire Department has seen an increase in fire alarms on the WSU campus this semester.  “Students have been back for only a few months, but it’s over where the total calls were this time...

The Pullman crime rate went down in 2020, but this was likely due to the pandemic and is not necessarily sustainable.

City Council to submit FEMA grant pre-application for flood mitigation

ALEX MCCOLLUM, Multimedia editor August 26, 2021

Pullman City Council voted Tuesday night to submit a pre-application for a Federal Emergency Management Agency Flood Mitigation Assistance Grant, which would aid in improving Missouri Flat Creek and removing...

Pullman Police Chief Gary Jenkins, pictured with Butch T. Cougar, will be succeeded by Pullman PD Cmdr. Jake Opgenorth.

‘He knows it’s a great community, and he’s helped make it that way’

EMMA LEDBETTER, Evergreen news editor June 14, 2021

Pullman Police Chief Gary Jenkins will retire later this year after spending 47 years in law enforcement — but policing was not always the future he saw for himself. “When I was in high school,...

Pullman Fire Chief Mike Heston said first responders need to know where COVID-19 patients are located so responders can protect themselves from potential exposure.

Officials share concerns about COVID-19 patients

ANGELICA RELENTE, Evergreen editor-in-chief April 2, 2020

As the health department in Whitman County continues to provide updates on confirmed COVID-19 cases, Pullman officials questioned its reasoning behind not releasing any identifying information during...

Pullman Fire Chief Mike Heston said firefighters are wearing personal protective equipment while on call.

Pullman first responders prepare for COVID-19

EMMA LEDBETTER, Evergreen news editor March 26, 2020

Pullman Fire, Pullman Police and WSU Police are practicing new protocols and following guidelines that include social distancing to prevent the spread of COVID-19.  Pullman Fire Pullman Fire...

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