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The student voice of Washington State University since 1895

The Daily Evergreen

The student voice of Washington State University since 1895

The Daily Evergreen

The student voice of Washington State University since 1895

The Daily Evergreen

The Greek flag waves off the edge of a boat traveling between islands, May 24, in Greece.

Murrow students conclude storytelling in Greece after three weeks

BRANDON WILLMAN, Multimedia editor June 1, 2024

Seventeen WSU students, sixteen of whom studying in the Edward R. Murrow College of Communication, finished a three-week study abroad program in Greece June 1.  “Storytelling in Greece – Murrow...

Anna Adams in front of The Daily Evergreen door in graduation regalia on April 20, 2024 in Pullman, Wash.

Letter from the Editor: grateful end of unexpected opportunity

ANNA ADAMS, Managing editor May 2, 2024

As my final week with The Daily Evergreen comes to a close, I reminisce on what brought me here in the first place. I joined Murrow College without much direction or goals. I just knew that I wanted...

Murrow students interviewing a MLB reporter on the first day in Arizona, March 8, in Tempe, Arizona.

MOE: Taking on the big leagues with Murrow

KEDZIE MOE, Editor-in-chief March 21, 2024

If I had to pick one word to describe my spring break, I would have to go with gratitude. In December, when I was selected as one of six Murrow College students to cover MLB Spring Training down in...

Anders, a WSU broadcast journalism alumn, who says journalists plan to enter Gaza if the IDF lets them follow

WSU alumnus covers Israel and Palestine Conflict

SICALY SORRELL, Evergreen reporter October 25, 2023

A WSU broadcast journalism alumnus is currently covering the current conflict between Israel and Hamas in Gaza as a freelance journalist.  Zach Anders, 26, said Hamas is a terrorist army held up inside...

The fellowship will pair eight fellows with news organizations early next year

WSU hires program manager for news fellowship

SICALY SORRELL, Evergreen reporter October 12, 2023

The Edward R. Murrow College of Communications appointed Jody Brannon as the program manager for the new Murrow News Fellowship focused on civic issues. Brannon previously served with the Center for...

A number of students participating in last year's religion reporting project

Religion reporting project allows Murrow students to tour places of worship

GRACE HARVEY, Evergreen reporter September 21, 2023

The Murrow College of Communications is continuing to offer its religion reporting project this semester. The project is led by Murrow professor Tracy Simmons with the focus on taking students on tours...

The fellowship will pair eight fellows with news organizations early next year

Murrow professors evaluate changes to Twitter

JOSIAH PIKE, Copy editor July 25, 2023

Editor's Note:  It was announced on July 24 that Twitter will be rebranding to "X". For simiplicity, we will continue to refer to it as Twitter throughout the article In light of the changes made to...

Students visit the Spokane Islamic Center, Sept. 6.

Murrow and the next generation of religion reporters

ERIN MULLINS, Evergreen reporter April 24, 2023

Editor's note: All of the panelists are part of the Daily Evergreen staff, however, the majority of students part of the Religion Reporting Project are not. Four Edward R. Murrow College of Communication...

Alvarado and three other WSU Murrow students embarked on a week-long trip over spring break to Kenya.

Murrow students reflect on a successful trip to Kenya

BRANDON WILLMAN, Multimedia editor March 27, 2023

A trip to Kenya was something Damien Alvarado did not expect, and yet it had a profound impact on his worldview and skills as a journalist. Alvarado, senior broadcast news major, and three other WSU...

Seattle Mariners play-by-play broadcaster Rick Rizzs (left) spent time with Evergreen baseball writer Jake Hull (center left), sports editor Sam Taylor (center right) and deputy sports editor Trevor Junt (right) March 14, 2023 at the Peoria Sports Complex.

Evergreeners cover MLB Spring Training through Murrow College


Over spring break, we traveled to Arizona as part of a group of six Murrow students under the guidance of professor Wendy Raney to cover major league baseball's spring training. We received media credentials...

Ivy Schank, Alisa Volz, Mikayla Finnerty and Saydee Phothivonsa on Monday, March 13, 2023.

Evergreeners explore the city that never sleeps

A group of Murrow students spent the first half of their spring break in New York City visiting some of the top public relations and news organizations in the country, connecting with Murrow alum and seeing...

Edward R. Murrow Lifetime Achievement Award recipient Ann Curry answers questions from WSU students during a press conference on April 4 in Jackson Hall.

Journalist Ann Curry fights to ‘tell stories that matter’

FRANKIE BEER, Evergreen news editor April 5, 2022

When Ann Curry was 12 years old, she asked her dad what she should be when she grew up — and received an unexpected reply.  “Well, Ann, whatever you do, do something that is of some service to...

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