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The student voice of Washington State University since 1895

The Daily Evergreen

The student voice of Washington State University since 1895

The Daily Evergreen

The student voice of Washington State University since 1895

The Daily Evergreen

WSU campus, Jan. 24, 2024.

WSU receives $3 million safety grant


A grant was received through a partnership between WSU’s Office of External Affairs and Government Relations (EAGR) and the US Department of Justice’s Technology and Equipment Program (DOJ-TEP). The...

Female student grabbed, choked near Beasley

Female student grabbed, choked near Beasley

MAKANI PANG, Evergreen news editor October 28, 2024

Editor's note: WSU police found no evidence that an assault took place, but are continuing to work with the student to collect any additional information. Read more here. WSU PD confirmed an official...

The Max Pro was received through the government surplus program and was previously an armored ambulance

Pullman PD receives a new armored vehicle

SICALY SORRELL, Evergreen reporter November 29, 2023

The Pullman Police Department acquired an armored vehicle for the Whitman County SWAT Team last week. Aaron Breshears, Pullman PD operations commander, said they received the new armored vehicle, the...

The summit will allow the police to understand how safe community members think Pullman is as well as come up with solutions that will positively impact Pullman.

Community invited to ‘reimagine public safety’ in virtual summit

LOREN NEGRON, Evergreen editor-in-chief October 29, 2020

The police are rethinking public safety in Pullman by giving the community an opportunity to voice its concerns during an open forum. The Pullman Police Advisory Committee hopes to implement community...

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