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The student voice of Washington State University since 1895

The Daily Evergreen

The student voice of Washington State University since 1895

The Daily Evergreen

The student voice of Washington State University since 1895

The Daily Evergreen

“We have been really great stewards of our curriculum budget over the years because we knew something like this was coming.”

Pullman school board reviews student recovery plan, new ELA curriculum

MELINA ERNST, Evergreen reporter May 27, 2021

Members of the Pullman Public Schools board unanimously approved the district's Academic and Student Well-Being Recovery Plan during a meeting Wednesday evening.  The Washington State Office of Superintendent...

The Pullman Public Schools board decided to begin in-person classes early next year for some students.

Schools to reopen Jan. 4 for K-1 students

JENAE LAXSON, Evergreen roots editor November 5, 2020

Pullman Public Schools board voted for in-person classes to begin Jan. 4 for students K-1. Students’ social and emotional needs must be addressed, said Allison Munch-Rotolo, board liaison for Sunnyside...

Classes at Pullman High School began Aug. 31. Students say classes are more populated and teachers are more flexible than last school year.

Students speak about high school experience amid pandemic

HUNTER ORCUTT, Evergreen reporter September 16, 2020

As local COVID-19 numbers continue to rise, students attending high school discuss adapting to online learning, missing social interaction and worrying about the pandemic. Not being able to attend physical...

Pullman Public Schools begin instruction Aug. 26 via distance delivery. Classes will be synchronous and asynchronous.

Pullman school district to start courses with distance learning

CHERYL AARNIO, Evergreen reporter August 24, 2020

Pullman Public Schools is moving to a distance-learning format for the start of the school year on Aug. 26, following a recommendation from the Whitman County Public Health Department.  The Whitman...

Richard Carbonneau, Pullman High School food service employee, stands in front of grab-and-go lunches. The meals are available for pick-up at Jefferson Elementary School.

Grab-and-go meals available through summer for children, teenagers

ANDREA GONZALEZ, Evergreen reporter July 1, 2020

The Pullman Public School District is continuing to provide grab-and-go meals to children and teenagers aged 1-18 after receiving funding for the Summer Food Service Program from the United States Department...

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