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The student voice of Washington State University since 1895

The Daily Evergreen

The student voice of Washington State University since 1895

The Daily Evergreen

The student voice of Washington State University since 1895

The Daily Evergreen

Mark Leeper, pictured here, decided to work for Disability Action Center Northwest because he has dealt with personal issues related to depression and anxiety.

Local couple to compete in national disability-awareness competition

ALEXANDRIA OSBORNE, Editor-in-chief July 7, 2021

A team from Disability Action Center Northwest, located in Moscow, will compete in a nationwide virtual game of Jeopardy.  The competition will be held at 11 a.m. today virtually, executive director...

Designer Brandon Dunbar said his brother modeled his collection.

WSU apparel design students showcase collections in fashion show

ANDREA GONZALEZ, Evergreen reporter April 12, 2021

WSU students studying apparel design presented their collection during the 38th annual university fashion show April 10.  Apparel design majors created their collection based on this year’s...

An integral aspect of Family Weekend is enjoying WSU Pullman and surrounding communities. Despite the online environment, families will still be able to have that sense of community. 

WSU Family Weekend begins today

KIARA DOYAL April 9, 2021

Because of COVID-19, Spring 2021 Family Weekend primarily consists of virtual and remote events.  The weekend begins today and runs through April 11. Parents and family members of WSU students...

Susan Neiman, director of the Einstein Forum, will discuss various cultural shifts, memorialization efforts and educational changes that brought attention to The Holocaust and encouraged nation-wide discussion.

Event to cover how Germany has dealt with The Holocaust

ABBY DAVIS, Evergreen copy chief February 22, 2021

Community members can attend the virtual lecture "Working Through the Past: German Efforts to Face their Nazi History,” at 4 p.m. Feb. 23.  Speaker Susan Neiman, director of the Einstein Forum,...

“We really love to see students at any level connect with employers during the Career Expo, whether it be first-time freshmen or a senior looking for future employment,” ASCC associate director Amanda Morgan said.

Students able to sign up for virtual career expo

ANDREA GONZALEZ, Evergreen reporter February 1, 2021

Students across all WSU campuses can attend a virtual career expo from 10 a.m to 2 p.m. Feb. 9 and 12-4 p.m. Feb. 10.  The event is put on by the Academic Success and Career Center. The center...

Jordan Frost, activities director at Issaquah High School and first-generation WSU alumnus, said people cannot control what happens to them, but they can control what to do next.

‘Your circumstances do not determine your destiny’

MICHELLE PAREDES STRONG, Evergreen reporter November 10, 2020

Personal obstacles and institutional limitations help first-generation students succeed. Jordan Frost, activities director at Issaquah High School and first-generation WSU alumnus, said he succeeded...

Thanksgiving is a Eurocentric holiday and is full of stereotypes about Indigenous people, said Cornel Pewewardy, professor emeritus of Indigenous nations studies at Portland State University.

Thanksgiving objectifies Indigenous people, guest speaker says

ANDREA GONZALEZ, Evergreen reporter November 10, 2020

The commercialization of Thanksgiving is disturbing and the holiday should be decolonized, a Portland State University professor said. People are not taught the truth about Thanksgiving, said Cornel...

Universities need to not only acknowledge first-generation students, but also the on-campus experiences of first-generation students who are of different races and social classes, speakers said.

Speakers emphasize importance of first-generation programs

TRINITY WILLSEY, Evergreen reporter November 9, 2020

Universities use the word first-generation without truly recognizing the layers beneath the word.  First-generation students deserve to complete college, said Sarah Whitley, assistant vice president...

Participants will deliberate about the case as a jury, allowing them to delve into their thought process behind their beliefs, implicit biases and preconceived notions.

Event to simulate courtroom jury, reveal participants’ notions about race, gender

ANDREA GONZALEZ, Evergreen reporter November 9, 2020

Students and faculty members can participate in a virtual courtroom drama during the event, “Defamation Experience,” from 6-8:30 p.m. Nov. 12. The event is hosted by the Common Reading Program and...

Changes to a syllabus' design and wording does not harm or help a student's retention of syllabus information.

Changing syllabi design may lead to improved faculty-student relationships

ABBY DAVIS, Evergreen copy chief November 9, 2020

Strong relationships between faculty members and first-generation students open doors for the students’ future success.  A study on syllabus design show that changes to design and wording did not...

WSU alumnus and first-generation student Jordan Frost will be speaking at a university event about first-generation students.

WSU alumnus to speak about challenges first-generation students face

LEIANNA KUNZ, Evergreen reporter November 6, 2020

Jordan Frost, WSU alumnus and first-generation student, considered dropping out of his master’s program because of the challenges he was facing. “I remembered that moment, and if I could go back,...

Amy Nusbaum, assistant professor at Heritage University, said she, Anna Plemons and Samantha Swindell coauthored “Kindness at First Sight: The Role of Syllabi in Impression Formation."

Panel to discuss how syllabi impact academic success of first-generation students

LEIANNA KUNZ, Evergreen reporter November 4, 2020

Most first-generation students have to navigate college on their own and sometimes universities are not prepared to deal with their specific needs.  Amy Nusbaum, assistant professor at Heritage University,...

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