Revolutionizing the student voice
March 12, 2015
A revolution for the students’ voice began last night at Phi Kappa Tau.
With 60.1 percent of the vote, Adam Crouch and Kyle Geiger were announced to be the next ASWSU president and vice president.
Students participated in record numbers for this year’s elections with 30.4 percent of students voting, more than a 50 percent increase over last year’s election.
Amidst thunderous applause and cheering from members of Phi Tau, Geiger thanked all those who supported the team throughout the campaign.
“There is no way we could’ve done this without the support of all of you and the amazing leaders we work with,” he said. “Not just during the past few weeks, but for our entire college careers.”
After hugging a line of his fraternity brothers, Crouch was finally able to breathe a sigh of relief.
“The students have given us a chance to put our best foot forward, which I’m so humbled and honored by,” he said. “I’m more motivated than ever to work for the betterment of our campus.”
Few were as proud of the new elects as Crouch’s mom and grandmother, who arrived hours before the results to show their support.
“Adam loves absolutely everything about this school and campus,” said Tracy Spadoni, Crouch’s mom, who has been keeping up-to-date with the campaign every step of the way. “I know he and Kyle will undoubtedly help WSU.”
The new elects received the news from current ASWSU president Jared Powell, Vice President Jansen VanderMeulen and Former Vice President LaKecia Farmer.
Before heading to Phi Tau, Powell called Nathan Cherzan to give him and Jacob Montaño the news of their loss.
“We will serve the WSU community in all ways we possibly can that create a benefit for the university and its students. I do not know in what facets that will include yet, but we will always serve our fellow Cougs,” Montaño said.
Crouch and Geiger applauded Cherzan and Montaño for their campaign and the work they do for WSU.
“Those guys are real fighters who care deeply about the students and their work,” Crouch said. “It is an honor to work with them and to have competed alongside side them.”
Crouch and Geiger’s platform is based on pillars of transparency, voice, connectivity, community, and engagement.
Crouch noted that the results mean that their work is just getting started, and they plan to meet in the morning to discuss their next steps.
“We want to start building relationships with those that we will be working with next year as soon as we can,” Geiger said.
Students also voted on the referendum to renovate the “Old Bookie” at the cost of no more than $98 in additional fees. The referendum passed with 74.1 percent of the votes.
Crouch is currently an All-Campus senator and the former Interfraternity Council president. Geiger is currently the ASWSU assistant director of community outreach.