Presenting for the future

Wiley Exposition Expands in 2015

On Friday, the graduate students drew a larger crowd of alumni, judges and fellow students to the Compton Union Building (CUB) than ever before.

The Wiley Research Exposition brought more than 300 graduate students to the CUB to present their research projects to alumni and their peers. During the exposition, $23,600 in scholarships were awarded to students with outstanding research projects.

The Graduate and Professional Student Association (GPSA) hosts this event annually. This year, GPSA teamed up with ASWSU to offer a competitive event category to undergraduate students. The competitors in this category had the chance to win one of two $1,000 scholarships.

The Office of International Programs also partnered with GPSA to host an International Research category and to encourage international diversity.

“This is an opportunity to bring research not only in the U.S., but across borders and in different countries,” said Darlington Sabusi, graduate student for the School of Economic Sciences.

Since 2009, the Wiley Research Exposition has given students a chance to share independently developed research projects, along with communicating and networking with alumni.

“This conference is an avenue for graduate students to share their research with the WSU community, including students, staff and community members,” said Robbie Zinna, event chair.

Exposition participants were given the opportunity to meet professionals in their field of study and gain experience with presenting their work.

“The first year of graduate school, I had no idea how to do research. There is a pressure on students to present their research,” said Davi Kallman, event chair.

In addition to oral presentation practice, the Graduate and Professional Writing Center facilitated a professional writing workshop geared toward boosting the confidence of students in their writing.

In addition to scientific research, the exposition also featured categories for the arts encompassing visual arts and design, social sciences and liberal arts.

“There is a misconception that hard science is more important,” Kallman said. “We are all trying to help people, and working for the same result. Equality is important.”

Kyle Lorenzano, a teaching assistant in the Edward R. Murrow College of Communication, took a similar stance.

“I think more should be done to include different ways of thinking. The liberal arts have a place in the world,” Lorenzano said.

Expo organizers emphasized that all students are welcome to participate, regardless of an individual’s comfort level in front of an audience.

“There is an idea that if a student isn’t good at presenting, they won’t get a good score. This is not the case. 50 percent of Wiley winners are international students,” Kallman said.

Keynote speaker Eric Nyberg, WSU alum, earned his bachelor’s and master’s degrees in Materials Science and Engineering. During his presentation, he shared his experience at WSU and spoke of the university’s impact on his career. He has worked for Pacific Northwest National Laboratory for the past 23 years.

“The time you spend in Pullman will be the best years in your life. Take this experience and hold on to it,” Nyberg said.