Listen to KUGR Radio
Student provides inside view of culture behind 95.1 KUGR radio
Mareenah Galang, KUGR Assistant Director of Promotions, and Logan McAlister, Assistant Director of Operations, work on a project on October 13, 2021 in the KUGR office.
October 14, 2021
Are you interested in providing the voice behind the microphone?
KUGR will embrace your ideas and teach you to present yourself naturally on the air. The world behind a radio station’s broadcast is often forgotten, but KUGR’s dynamic is too special to be ignored.
The KUGR radio station has dozens of miniature album covers plastering the walls, displaying distinct musical eras to inspire whoever walks in the door. Sound pours out of the radio booth students use to deliver music and talk shows in the Pullman area.
KUGR Radio has been running since 1954. In the 1970s, the station narrowed in on its signature sound and became one of the most well-known studios in the Palouse area to deliver rock and roll, according to Today, the student-run organization is more diverse, airing shows with different themes such as history, urban myths and an assortment of music.
KUGR Radio offers more than music and discussion. Rahaf Albateni, KUGR human resources director, said after joining KUGR, she gained more confidence in herself after joining KUGR.
“Being on this team and having my show experience, it honestly helped me be a little more outspoken and be a little more outgoing,” Albateni said.
Running a radio show can be a nerve-racking experience, but Albateni said if you want to try it, just go for it. Her original show “Spicy Trash,” was a combination of astrology and R&B. During her sophomore year, it was a time where she could sit down and decompress.
“That was my time to go in and enjoy myself and enjoy my time alone,” Albateni said.
She said the radio booth is not the only reason why she enjoys the KUGR radio station. She likes to go to the office in between classes to study or socialize. Although the office is a little run down, there is an air of excitement.
“The people there are amazing.” Albateni said. “They are some of the greatest people on campus. They are so nice and welcoming. They welcome anyone in; they always have a story to tell, and there’s always something going on.”
If you are curious about getting a job in the radio business, or simply want to have a show where you can talk about your passions, KUGR is a great place to start, she said. The station offers two-hour shows and students can pick any topic to put on the air.
The lineup for this semester showcases 12 new shows ranging from ghosts, getting your boogie on or hearing about your favorite sports teams. The new schedule for KUGR is available on their website,
If you find a show that captures your attention, you can tune in at or listen on the radio at 95.1. If you want to get your band on the airwaves, you can direct message KUGR through their Instagram, @kugrradiowsu.