OPINION: Spring break was not restful

You can party any time of the year; use breaks to recover, rejuvenate


There are always opportunities to party, but rarely opportunities to truly focus on relaxation.

ANNABELLE PEPIN, Evergreen columnist

Spring break: a time to relax, spend time with family, catch up on sleep. 

Unless that is, you are a part of the vast majority of WSU students who spent their time on the warm beaches around the continent. 

The stresses of social life in college, especially for students in the Greek community, simply do not end when spending a week partying in a different state. Should break not be used for an actual break

Considering I stayed home for all of spring break, I definitely do have a level of jealousy for the people that could spend time in the sun. However, it is important to take time for ourselves and take genuine breaks from the stresses of school. 

Many people spend their time partying over breaks, but this can be done at WSU any time of the year. Lounging by the pool on vacation is much better for mental health and is not something that can be done in regular circumstances. 

Furthermore, overconsumption of alcohol over the course of many days seriously harms the mental health and motivation of individuals. A lack of motivation leads to damaged relationships with oneself, friends and their academics. 

Balance is key for a lifestyle as hectic as a college student’s. If life is go-go-go all the time, it is difficult to give your body the chance to recover. Breaks from school are built in to give our bodies the recovery needed from academics and partying. 

For many university students, their social life is just as important (if not more important) as their academics. 

The feeling of burnout is alive and well in the lives of students, so spending almost all of a break in a social setting can setback the necessary rest from already extremely social university life. 

WSU’s reputation has always been the “party school,” but sometimes the partying should stay on campus to give a proper mental health recovery. 

“Spending time in a warmer state was really nice, but the break did not feel long enough since I spent so much time with people and I have so much going on in Pullman,” freshman business major Ally Downing said. 

Downing went to Arizona for the break to spend time with her family. The stresses of academics and social life, on top of holding an executive position in her sorority, could not fully be escaped without more time to rest. 

Spending time with family is very important, but it can sometimes divert the necessary attention to resting and taking time for yourself. 

Finding a balance between social and personal time is essential to truly get the most out of this break. It is very important to spend time away from phone screens and social media to give your brain the break it deserves. 

“Staying home was the perfect time to see some of my high school friends, but also chill with my pets and rest,” said freshman pre-veterinarian major Megan Ratzsch.

There is nothing better than coming home and sleeping in your own bed for a solid night’s sleep. Hotels are great to rest in as well; it is just a matter of if any resting will be done (which it needs to be). 

One week is not very long to recover from the 10 weeks of non-stop work before it, so using these few days to mentally prepare for the end of the semester is a wise decision. 

Homelife is not always relaxing for everyone, but regardless of where spring break is spent, it is very important to catch up on rest and recover from all of the hard work put into university life.