ASWSU: Students bring financial concerns to director of transportation
Director of Transportation Chris Boyan said high fines are a deterrent for speeding
Director of Transportation Chris Boyan adresses ASWSU Wednesday night.
December 8, 2022
ASWSU argued that parking fines deter students from parking violations, and give updates on the Narcan distribution. Director of academics plans on lobbying for funding for mental health at the last ASWSU final meeting of the semester.
Boyan said the question of Pullman Transit and parking’s equity for student groups is one for a different department.
“It would be better for those students to get help from financial aid rather than to try to work a deal with Transportation Services. To clarify, as we work on a business model, it is easier for students to work with financial aid services to make parking more accessible,” he said.
Students also addressed parking fines, which are up to five times more expensive than what it would cost to pay for the spot.
“A fine, whether it is parking or speeding, needs to be a deterrent from doing the thing that provided the citation. If a fine were to be only double the cost of paying for the spot, students are more likely to believe the risk is more worth it,” Boyan said.
However, he said that the Transportation Services department is not trying to generate revenue from ticketing students, but rather that they are trying to encourage students to park properly.
We can and will waive a ticket if it is your first offense with a valid reason, such as not understanding how to use the app, he said.
Collin Bannister, director of of legislative affairs, is currently planning a trip to Spokane to lobby on behalf of the Senate on state-wide issues. During the meeting, he discussed his agenda for the event and the topics he plans to lobby for.
“First is to increase mental health funding for state universities. This would include funding for more staff and more locations for mental health services,” Bannister said.
With Cougar Health Services being the only mental health service location on campus, it is imperative that we increase accessibility to these resources on campus. Alongside increasing locations, he said he will lobby to expand upon opportunities for work in the mental health field.
More topics include plans to lobby for include increased state-wide funding for transportation services, increased sexual assault training for campus police officers and tuition waivers for Indigenous students.
“For tuition waivers for indigenous students, we would like to advocate for this state-wide to bridge the equity gap as our university is built on indigenous land,” he said.
ASWSU President Jacob Martinez updated the senate on the distribution of Narcan kits on campus, as discussed before Thanksgiving break. He said he is currently working to figure out how to distribute the tests in the most effective and efficient way possible.
The department of communications is planning to increase engagement from the general student body and ASWSU through holiday giveaways and community events, said Deputy Director Ashtyn Gates.
Finally, Sarah McTiernan, director of academic affairs, said that she is exploring the possibility of creating a class focused on resume building for college students that could benefit all academic departments.