Street talk: How is Your Mental Health This Time In the Semester?

Do not take mental health lightly it is OK to not be OK


Mason Bakke doing an interview Feb. 27 on Terrell Mall.

ANNABELLE PEPIN, Evergreen columnist

Midterms are almost upon us and it feels like the weeks cannot get any longer. The inconsistent weather mixed with the never-ending course load leaves many of our WSU Pullman students discouraged and on the brink of burning out. 

Chansen McCallister, sophomore sports management major, said his classes are way more intense than freshman year, to the point of every single day feeling difficult. He says every week he just cannot wait for the weekends. 

For people with jobs, even weekends are busy. It seems like the only time to get quality work hours without overloading your week is on weekends, but when do they have time to rest?

Nick Miller, sophomore computer engineering major, said he is from the Pullman area, so the cold weather is not a huge deal, but he is feeling more stressed this semester than the in past ones, from the heavy course load.

On the other hand, Jeremy Smeltzer, a sophomore wildlife ecology major, says the weather is really taking a toll on his overall happiness. Thankfully his classes are not too difficult compared to previous semesters. 

Seasonal depression is a very real thing that plagues so many people. It seems like our emotions just ebb and flow with the seasons; when it is cold outside it can be so difficult to want to leave the warmth of our houses or be active. 

Riley Nutter, sophomore mechanical engineering major, said this semester is the heaviest course load he’s had and the weather affects his motivation to go to class. 

“I think it has always been hard for me to do work when it is dark outside, so when the sun goes down only a few hours after my classes end, it becomes challenging to be productive and it is honestly pretty depressing,” Mason Bakke, sophomore multimedia journalism major, said. 

If you are feeling discouraged with your progress in class, or the weather is bringing you down, as cheesy as it is, you really are not alone. 

Just needing someone to talk to can be the best way to get through the burnout season. Cougar Health Services has a few phone numbers to call, like 509-335-4511 during business hours, or 509-335-2159 after hours to talk about mental health. 

Another good line to call if things are seeming bleak is the suicide hotline number at 988. If you feel like you are hitting that extreme, do not hesitate to call even if you just need someone to talk to.

Something that has always helped me combat mental health struggles is joining clubs or extracurricular activities to spend more time doing things I enjoy. 

At the same time, taking time alone can be the best remedy for combating mental health issues. I know for me personally, I need time to reset after spending copious amounts of time with other people. 

Spring break is only a few weeks away, so keep holding on and reach out to the resources we have on campus if you need additional help. Mental health is no joke and dictates all of our motivation for success.