Dear readers,
If you have read the paper over the past 12 months, you have probably seen my name quite a bit, especially if you are a fan of our robust sports section. Since joining last August, I have quickly become a more significant part of the paper than I ever imagined.
From starting as a lowly sports reporter covering volleyball (which I will still do and provide excellent coverage for those fantastic women!) to joining the news section to fill some gaps. In my second semester, I moved up the ladder and became a copy editor, specializing in sports content and delving into opinion, life and news.
That brings us to now. I ran and got elected as the summer–fall Editor-in-Chief, a position I never thought I would hold because I also envisioned becoming a sports editor eventually. Jumping up with higher responsibilities each semester, I am still extremely excited to start and see what the staff can accomplish this year.
We have two news sports editors, Hayden Stinchfield and Luke Westfall, the former sports editor Sam Taylor is my managing editor and two new news editors, Josiah Pike and Gabrielle Bowman. A revamped staff is both stressful with growing pains but super exciting as everyone we have is super talented.
The amazing Gabrielle Feliciano is returning as our life editor and I have the utmost confidence that she will continue to grow and better her section each month. A former life editor, Alexandria Obsorne, is the new copy chief and her goals for her mini-staff are defined and I look forward to their implementation.
Visuals are done through our illustration editor Gracie Rogers and new photo editor Keaton Dernbach. Gracie’s illustration section has increased significantly and she has already begun making weekly comics with her staff that will run throughout the semester. Keaton is just starting but has experience with our friends over at Cable 8.
Finally, Dorothy Greenhalge (they/them) is the design editor and they have been with the Evergreen more than anyone on the staff, holding a pivotal role in how great our print product is. Josie Goodrich is the multimedia editor, so look out for her newsletters and video content, a daunting task that we know Josie is more than capable of with her talent.
Without a dedicated opinion section this year, we will rely on editorial pieces from one or two reporters and highly encouraging letters to the editors sent to that we will look to publish on the website. Sports, life and news are the big three sections, with each having little sub-sections loosely defined within them.
My goals for this semester are to expand our coverage in local markets, from covering more Pullman High School sports to featuring people on the Palouse, as well as getting all reporters a more diverse skill tree, encouraging all reporters to help with video content and visual aspects of their stories.
But the biggest goal of them all is that I want the paper to SLAY this year, and I will do everything in my power to work with my editors to make sure that happens.