The ASWSU Senate heard presentations from the Health and Safety Director as well as representatives from the Department of Communication and Department of University Affairs in the ASWSU’s executive branch at this week’s meeting.
Bryce Becker, the Health and Safety Director said ASWSU passed out stress balls on Tuesday as a part of mental health awareness week. They also assisted in hosting the Coug Wellbeing Symposium Wednesday.
On Thursday, they hosted Puppies on the Mall outside the CUB from 12–1:30 p.m. as another mental health week event to help students relieve stress due to upcoming midterms, Becker said.
Becker said he has been actively working to buy Fentanyl testing strips that can be provided on campus.
“It’s out of my hands now,” Becker said. “I’m just waiting on the health department to order them.”
Next, the senators heard from Communication Director Cooper Howe and Communication Deputy Director Nicole Allison. Howe said he and Allison attended the student media board last Thursday and elected a new yearbook chair.
He also updated the senators about ASWSU’s social media progress. He said they reached 11,100 accounts on Instagram in the past month and gained 200 new followers. Howe said they shared 51 forms of content, including standard posts, story posts, and reels.
On Thursday, they hosted a homecoming sign-making event from 11 a.m.–2 p.m., Howe said. There will also be a homecoming pep rally Friday from 5–9 p.m. at the alumni center.
From the Department of University Affairs, Sustainability Deputy Director Kassandra Vogel presented their progress reports to the senators. Vogel said the university affairs committee toured both WSU’s waste facility and the city of Pullman’s waste facility.
No processing occurs at either facility, Vogel said. Instead, the waste is picked up and transported to the Whitman County landfill. The university affairs committee will attend a facility tour at the landfill Oct. 13.
“My understanding is that any waste that is considered to be landfill from both WSU and the city of Pullman goes to Whitman County, and then is shipped over to the west side of the state,” Vogel said.
Vogel said the university affairs committee is currently collaborating with the Environmental Sustainability Alliance to host an event featuring Bill Nye for Earth Week in April.
Vice President Maccabee Werndorf announced that ASWSU will be holding a town hall at 6 p.m. Oct. 19. Members of the student body are encouraged to attend and ask senators any questions they have.
ASWSU senate meets at 5:30 p.m. every Wednesday in CUB 204.