The student voice of Washington State University since 1895

The Daily Evergreen

The student voice of Washington State University since 1895

The Daily Evergreen

The student voice of Washington State University since 1895

The Daily Evergreen

Students protest for divestment in support of Palestine

The protest was held at 2 p.m. on Wednesday
Protestors traveled from Bryan Hall to the CUB protesting the WSU’s divestment from organizations contributing to the ongoing deaths of Palestinians.

A group of students gathered at Bryan Hall holding signs and flags on April 24 protesting the school’s divestment from organizations contributing to the current ongoing deaths of Palestinians in Gaza.

Some of the organizations the group demands WSU to divest from are Boeing and Lockheed Martin, which speakers said are actively designing and transporting weapons being used to kill Palestinians in Gaza. The protest was organized by the Young Democratic Socialists of America at WSU in support of the “Free Palestine” movement.

Over 100 students and community members gathered at Bryan clock tower at 2 p.m., from where they walked to the Lighty Student Services Building and then came back to the Compton Union Building, while yelling out chants and call-and-responses such as “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free,” “Gaza Gaza don’t you cry, Palestine will never die” and “What do we want? Divestment! When do we want it? Now!”

Connor Luce, YDSA member and protest organizer, led protestors through the predetermined route and gave a small speech to the gathered members in front of the CUB, thanking them for their participation and support.

Also in attendance at the protest were members of ASWSU as well as the WSU Native American Women’s Association, who gave a brief speech in front of the Lighty building as well.

NAWA President Fabian Mondejar said the Palestinian resistance shares similarities with the struggles of Native Americans and how the two issues are intertwined. Mondejar pledged their solidarity with the Palestinian cause.

The entire protest lasted 30 minutes, after which some students dispersed to go to classes and some students decided to hold an impromptu sit-in outside of the CUB, holding up their signs and asking people to sign a petition demanding a divestment referendum to be put on the ballot by ASWSU next year.

YDSA members were encouraging bystanders as well as fellow protestors to sign the petition to convince the school to divest from organizations. Luce said YDSA also drafted and provided senators with a copy of a resolution that would suggest putting a referendum on the ballot regarding divestment from such organizations. Senators decided not to put forth the resolution and did not vote on it.

Luce said students should donate as much as they are financially able to to causes that are helping civilians in Gaza.

“Donate to charities helping Palestinians through this crisis,” he said. “We have some materials going around that have specific charities on them.”

Luce said students should encourage any other student organizations that they are a part of to push for divestment to increase the likelihood of change.

“Please join a group supporting divestment and actually pushing the university to do something, and if you’re part of a group that isn’t doing anything, push them to actually have a stance on it instead of idly standing by,” he said. “Thank you all for being here, don’t remain silent, free Palestine.”

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About the Contributor
MUSFIRAH KHAN, Evergreen reporter
Musfirah Khan is a junior from Seattle, Washington studying multimedia journalism. She started working for the Evergreen in spring 2023.

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  • David A PreisApr 30, 2024 at 11:02 am

    Glad to see that students know what’s going on, unlike older generation that is clueless because they listen to the controlled media. I’m 55 and I’ve had the privilege of seeing both independent media and the controlled media, MSNBC, CNN, FOX etc. It’s not a joke folks, they’re lies know no bounds and what they choose not to cover gives them away. It’s time for people to put on their critical thinking skill hats and get serious. There’s no excuse to be ill-informed.

  • Jason JohnsonApr 27, 2024 at 4:30 am

    The only difference between these Hamas supporters and the KKK is the color of the sheets covering their cowardly faces. These nitwits were nowhere to be found after the October attacks and not a word was spoken of the American hostage who had his hand removed last week. Let’s hope WSU finds a spine and kicks these racists off campus.

  • Arisha AhmedApr 26, 2024 at 3:51 pm

    Hundreds of high school and college students across the Puget Sound region walked out of school Tuesday to protest Israel’s fighting in Gaza.

    Some gathered outside their school’s front offices, where they listened to student leaders chant into megaphones. Others left school and flocked to Cal Anderson Park in Seattle’s Capitol Hill neighborhood to do the same. Anywhere from 20 to 150 students turned out at each of a dozen Seattle-area schools, but overall the protests were calm and low-key.

    We demand a free Palestine,” and “Free, free Palestine,” students chanted at Cal Anderson Park. They carried posters that read Genocide is never justified and Cease-fire now during a small march down streets in West Seattle.

    Arisha Ahmed