Frost, Kalt reflect on time in office

Student gov leaders touch on feats and future prospects before graduation this May


ASWSU President Jordan Frost talks about his administration’s achievements, including raising sexual assault awareness and increasing transparency during the State of the Association speech Thursday.

YASMEEN WAFAI, Evergreen assistant editor

ASWSU President Jordan Frost and Vice President Garrett Kalt gave their State of the Association address Thursday evening, recapping their time as student government leaders and outlining their hopes for the future.

Frost said he and Kalt got to work right away once they were elected to start making changes within ASWSU and on campus.

“Changing the conversation is more than a campaign slogan,” Frost said. “It is a way of thinking and leading.”

Frost and Kalt felt ASWSU needed to be more connected to students, have more tough conversations and improve inclusivity and transparency.

They established four pillars — community, academics, transparency and safety — they wanted to work on throughout their leadership, and the two recapped their successes within each pillar.

Frost said their community accomplishments include the recently announced Multicultural Greek Plaza, memorials for both Tyler Hilinski and students who lost their lives on Highway 26, and engaging with student leaders.

“Everyone at WSU deserves recognition,” Frost said. “Everyone at WSU deserves celebration.”

Regarding academics, Frost said, they worked on changes to advising and mentorship programs, and encouraged the use of open education resources.

Kalt reflected on their transparency accomplishments, which he said they achieved through letting students know they could come talk to ASWSU, making students aware of what their money is going toward through the S&A fee website, and events like Coffee with the Presidents and Town Hall meetings.

As for safety, Kalt said, they made progress on sexual assault prevention and mental health awareness, crosswalk safety, peer-based health programs and a driver safety campaign.

“It’s on all of us to make change in these areas,” Kalt said. “We believe that you are a Coug everywhere you go.”

Frost and Kalt said they wanted to make sure actions and conversations regarding sexual assault prevention and mental health awareness would continue in order to work toward making everyone on campus feel safe, supported and protected.

He said it is important that what they have worked on does not die after they are gone. Continued student involvement and community partnerships are also essential, Frost said.

He said there is still much work to be done to ensure ASWSU is cohesive and unified, and that student government must expand on what is already working to make it better.

“If WSU is going to be the best place it can be,” Frost said, “it’s going to be a team effort.”