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The student voice of Washington State University since 1895

The Daily Evergreen

The student voice of Washington State University since 1895

The Daily Evergreen

The student voice of Washington State University since 1895

The Daily Evergreen

YASMEEN WAFAI, Evergreen assistant editor

Yasmeen Wafai is a senior multimedia journalism major from Tacoma, Washington. She has worked at the Daily Evergreen since her junior year and currently serves as assistant news editor in her last semester of college.

All content by YASMEEN WAFAI
Evergreen assistant news editor Yasmeen Wafai thanks all the people at The Daily Evergreen and WSU, who impacted her time here. She attributes her drive to succeed to her supportive family.

A bittersweet goodbye

YASMEEN WAFAI, Evergreen assistant editor
December 7, 2018
Students enjoy free food and browse the tables of resident student organizations during the All Campus Picnic on Aug. 17.

Coug to Coug: Tips from a graduating senior

YASMEEN WAFAI, Evergreen assistant editor
December 7, 2018
Grant Schoenlein, co-owner of Kamiak Coffee Company, smells the aroma of a coffee blend between South and Central American light-medium roast Monday at their warehouse in Moscow.

WSU alumni want consumers to ‘drink differently’

YASMEEN WAFAI, Evergreen assistant editor
November 7, 2018
Stephen Bischoff, associate director of the Multicultural Student Services, talks about how the Multicultural Leaders’ Summit impacts campus.

Summit bridges gap between student groups

YASMEEN WAFAI, Evergreen assistant editor
August 30, 2018
Co-director of Diversity and Inclusion Mariela Frias speaks at her confirmation at an ASWSU meeting Wednesday, Aug. 22 in the CUB.

ASWSU Senate confirms director positions

YASMEEN WAFAI, Evergreen assistant editor
August 23, 2018
Washington Sen. Maria Cantwell and her supporters greet constituents at the National Lentil Festival in Pullman during the WSECU Grand Parade on Saturday.

Politicians parade in Pullman

YASMEEN WAFAI, Evergreen assistant editor
August 18, 2018
Proud parents flood campus as their children prepare to move onto the WSU campus.

Some freshman living in triples, RAs sharing rooms

YASMEEN WAFAI, Evergreen assistant editor
August 17, 2018

WSU accused of animal deaths, abuse

YASMEEN WAFAI, Evergreen assistant editor
August 15, 2018
Former ASWSU President Jordan Frost and former Vice President Garrett Kalt first formed their relationship over Panda Express. They have since charted separate paths forward, but plan to stay connected.

Student gov’t leaders part ways

YASMEEN WAFAI, Evergreen assistant editor
May 4, 2018
WSU alumus Greg Schoenbachler’s company uses three process to cremate pets. They offer traditional cremation with fire, as well as aquamation and composting.

Alum’s startup turns pets into soil

YASMEEN WAFAI, Evergreen assistant editor
April 18, 2018
Provost Dan Bernardo answers faculty questions regarding athletics, Performing Arts and tenure versus non-tenure track staff, Thursday during the final Faculty Senate meeting of the semester.

Bernardo calls faculty balance a priority

YASMEEN WAFAI, Evergreen assistant editor
April 13, 2018
New Medical Director Bonnie de Vries describes her vision for the success of WSU health services.

New Medical Director hopes to partner with students

YASMEEN WAFAI, Evergreen assistant editor
April 10, 2018
Jeannette Mageo talks about her plans as the new faculty senate chair.

Anthropology professor to lead Faculty Senate

YASMEEN WAFAI, Evergreen assistant editor
April 4, 2018

Regents to meet in Seattle on Thursday

YASMEEN WAFAI, Evergreen assistant editor
March 20, 2018
Maria de Jesus Dixon, manager of operations for the Culture and Heritage Houses and the Elson S. Floyd Cultural Center, describes her position and the importance of the houses.

Heritage houses to continue with full funding

YASMEEN WAFAI, Evergreen assistant editor
March 7, 2018
ASWSU presidential candidates speak about ASWSU transparency and preventing campus hate speech.

ASWSU pres candidates make their case in debate

YASMEEN WAFAI, Evergreen assistant editor
March 5, 2018
ASWSU President Jordan Frost talks about his administration’s achievements, including raising sexual assault awareness and increasing transparency during the State of the Association speech Thursday.

Frost, Kalt reflect on time in office

YASMEEN WAFAI, Evergreen assistant editor
March 2, 2018

Schulz, Frost to interact with students in CUB

YASMEEN WAFAI, Evergreen assistant editor
February 26, 2018
Mary Jo Gonzales,  Vice President of Student Affairs, said students fees are used to help WSU pay for outstanding deficits.

Student Affairs outlines finances

YASMEEN WAFAI, Evergreen assistant editor
February 23, 2018
Chair of the Board of Regents Theodor Baseler, right, and board member Lura Powell listen at a September Board of Regents meeting. WSU President Kirk Schulz can carry out certain financial policies without the board’s approval.

WSU administration reviews debts, fiscal health

YASMEEN WAFAI, Evergreen assistant editor
February 21, 2018

Provost aims to change advising

YASMEEN WAFAI, Evergreen assistant editor
February 16, 2018
Judi McDonald presents the late president Elson S. Floyd's loan forgiveness numbers at the Jan. 25 Faculty Senate meeting.

Budget issues rooted in 2014 loan forgiveness

YASMEEN WAFAI, Evergreen assistant editor
February 9, 2018
Nancy Swanger, director of Hospitality Business Management, speaks about the posssibility of creating a senior living management major within the College of Business.

Institute for senior hospitality in works

YASMEEN WAFAI, Evergreen assistant editor
February 7, 2018
ASWSU Sen. Harald Hyllseth, left, author of the Student Media fee referendum, explained 
the importance of student journalism at the ASWSU meeting Wednesday.

Media fee on ballot, cuts delayed

YASMEEN WAFAI, Evergreen assistant editor
February 1, 2018

Student Media Board votes to delay cuts

YASMEEN WAFAI, Evergreen assistant editor
January 31, 2018
Regan Donaldson, ASWSU director of Health and Safety talks about staffing issues in the Green Dot program.

ASWSU looks to fund violence prevention

YASMEEN WAFAI, Evergreen assistant editor
January 31, 2018
Fac Senate updated on  govt relations

Fac Senate updated on govt relations

YASMEEN WAFAI, Evergreen assistant editor
January 26, 2018
Daniella Clark, a survivor of a traumatic brain injury, explains how her scar affected her self-image, altered her stamina and ability to function Wednesday outside the CUE.

Local wants to raise brain injury awareness

YASMEEN WAFAI, Evergreen assistant editor
January 25, 2018
Bob Ferguson is pushing for a bill that would set new standards for student loans and give the state the power to license and regulate servicers.

Bill would create ‘student loan advocate’

YASMEEN WAFAI, Evergreen assistant editor
January 19, 2018
Shaun King speaking on his experience as a close influence in Colin Kaepernick's kneeling for justice protest on Thursday.

King shows where football, activism intersect

YASMEEN WAFAI, Evergreen assistant editor
January 19, 2018
 Mary Trotter expressing her ever growing concerns regarding WSU's budget deficit, Thursday evening.

Faculty hear INTO proposal

YASMEEN WAFAI, Evergreen assistant editor
January 12, 2018
Sophomore Ximeng Li, president of ISC, speaks about her new leadership role Wednesday afternoon in the Terrell Mall. She came to WSU as an international student and is planning to help the community as best as she can.

ISC’s new president begins term

YASMEEN WAFAI, Evergreen assistant editor
January 11, 2018
Executive Vice President of GPSA, Amir Gilmore holds a vote to pass the latest agenda at the GPSA meeting, Monday evening.

GPSA hopes for a louder voice on campus

Yasmeen Wafai, Evergreen assistant editor
January 9, 2018
Performing Arts instructor Mary Trotter, right, goes over how Ryan Dean, left, and Erin Rackliff can improve their scene in her class on Nov. 14 in Wadleigh Theatre.

Petition to re-instate Performing Arts circulates

YASMEEN WAFAI, Evergreen assistant editor
December 11, 2017
WSU School of Music Director Greg Yasinitsky reflects on some of the best moments in his career so far Tuesday afternoon in Kimbrough Music Building.

WSU School of Music Director talks life, career

YASMEEN WAFAI, Evergreen assistant editor
December 1, 2017

Music Director nominated for Pulitzer

YASMEEN WAFAI, Evergreen assistant editor
November 17, 2017
Freshman Dayton Matsushima fills his plate at a Friendsgiving dinner last week.

On-campus services available for students during break

YASMEEN WAFAI, Evergreen assistant editor
November 17, 2017
The color guard march down the Glenn Terrell Friendship Mall toward the Veterans Memorial for the Veterans Day Ceremony on Thursday. See more photos online.

Resources offered for veterans on campus

YASMEEN WAFAI, Evergreen assistant editor
November 13, 2017
Aneelah Afzali speaks about Islamophobia and media portrayal of Muslims on Friday in Todd Hall.

‘Facts don’t change hearts’

YASMEEN WAFAI, Evergreen assistant editor
November 5, 2017

Whitman County Libraries prepare for levy increase

YASMEEN WAFAI, Evergreen assistant editor
November 1, 2017

Handicap parking fees to increase

YASMEEN WAFAI, Evergreen assistant editor
October 31, 2017
Tam Nguyen, a barista at Thomas Hammer, talks about how the business prepares for the influx of customers during the upcoming Dad’s Weekend.

Businesses prepare for Dad’s Weekend

YASMEEN WAFAI, Evergreen assistant editor
October 30, 2017

Auditors office makes ballot mistake

YASMEEN WAFAI, Evergreen assistant editor
October 27, 2017

City enters Bloomberg Philanthropies Mayors Challenge

YASMEEN WAFAI, Evergreen assistant editor
October 25, 2017
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