Daily Grind offers best coffee, baristas with a homey atmosphere

LUKE HOLLISTER | The Daily Evergreen

Barista Briana Ishrig pulls a shots for a customer Thursday morning at the Daily Grind.

BAILEY CAMPBELL, Evergreen reporter

Sounds of grinding coffee beans and steaming milk mix with the smell of homemade granola at Daily Grind, students’ favorite coffee shop and employer of students’ favorite baristas.

The signature eclectic tables and chairs of the coffee house, located downtown, seem to blend in with the old brick walls.

“It creates a homey feel,” Daily Grind owner Tami Dykes said. People can put their feet up and feel that they’re not going to ruin anything, she added.

Making coffee is no easy task. Pulling a coffee shot has to be timed just right, and milk needs to be steamed to the correct temperature for the right length of time.

Dykes said her baristas’ extensive training allows them to make a great cup of coffee every time.

Sierra Flisher, a Daily Grind barista of two years, said they have a great atmosphere and culture.

“The customers become your family,” Flisher said.

Regulars come in at the same time every day, which allows the baristas — who are mostly students — to connect with them. This create an establishment that feels like home, Flisher said.

“I feel I belong here at the Daily Grind,” she said.