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The student voice of Washington State University since 1895

The Daily Evergreen

The student voice of Washington State University since 1895

The Daily Evergreen

The student voice of Washington State University since 1895

The Daily Evergreen

All content by BAILEY CAMPBELL
Environmental activist Zack Rago explains the damaging effects of the 2015 El Nino on the Great Barrier Reef. Increases in only a few degrees Celsius can result in coral death.

Corals suffer as climate changes

BAILEY CAMPBELL, Evergreen reporter
April 19, 2018
Former President-elect Vince Chavez and former Vice President-elect Davina Cepeda celebrate their victory.

ASWSU Vancover election invalid

BAILEY CAMPBELL, Evergreen reporter
April 13, 2018
Former NPR host Robert Siegel gives advice after receiving the Murrow Lifetime Achievement Award.

‘The other end of the radio’

BAILEY CAMPBELL, Evergreen reporter
March 27, 2018
Shelley Chambers-Fox, a weather spotter working in Albion, explains how she uses a wireless 
weather station to track weather, temperature and wind changes in the area.

Volunteers help predict weather

BAILEY CAMPBELL, Evergreen reporter
February 28, 2018
Garth Bates, a junior computer science major, learns VR controls while using a VR headset and a hand controller at the Olympic Games Highlight VR event Wednesday in the Voiland College of Engineering and Architecture.

Olympics use WSU VR technology

BAILEY CAMPBELL, Evergreen reporter
February 22, 2018
Mechanical engineering graduate student Mahdieh Babaiasl explains the needle waterjet project.

Researchers develop new needle

BAILEY CAMPBELL, Evergreen reporter
February 6, 2018
A student employee positions cheese cans properly as they come off the conveyor belt so that the date of canning prints correctly on the designated spot on the lid.

Following cheese from cow to curd

BAILEY CAMPBELL, Evergreen reporter
January 30, 2018
Ashtyn Perlatti, an interior design student, explains that her degree is about more than just arranging throw pillows and finding matching furniture.

Designing through emotion

BAILEY CAMPBELL, Evergreen reporter
January 25, 2018
Co-founder of Chimeric Designs Kevin Gray researches ways to make chemotherapy more effective.

Team develops chemotherapy project

BAILEY CAMPBELL, Evergreen reporter
January 24, 2018
Alex Svensson talks about his experience as a first-generation student.

Community drive raises thousands

BAILEY CAMPBELL, Evergreen reporter
December 4, 2017
Transportation supervisor of WSU facilities services Brandy Dean explains the composting side of their work.

WSU turns waste into usable goods

BAILEY CAMPBELL, Evergreen reporter
November 16, 2017
Freshman Julia Galindo reads information on socioeconomic status displayed for students waiting for their tour through the Room of Resistance.

Students learn marginalized perspectives

BAILEY CAMPBELL, Evergreen reporter
November 13, 2017
In self-sorted recycling, if a plastic bag is found 
in a batch of recycled materials, all of the recyclables are contaminated.

Recycling can help reduce landfill waste

BAILEY CAMPBELL, Evergreen reporter
November 6, 2017
Both WSU students and survivors of sexual assault and harassment around the country have come forward on social media with the hashtag #metoo.

Survivors break silence on social media

BAILEY CAMPBELL, Evergreen reporter
October 20, 2017
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