New website allows students to get involved

Students can sign up for a variety of opportunities including boards, councils, committees, groups



David Silva, GPSA vice president, said he hopes the new website encourages students to start building and making connections.

HAYLEY MARTINEZ, Evergreen reporter

A website created by GPSA, ASWSU and the Division of Student Affairs is now available to students on campus who want to try and get more involved.

The goal for the website is to encourage students to approach student groups and start networking early on in their college career.

“It empowers students to take charge of their college experience and make their voice heard,” ASWSU President Savannah Rogers said.

The idea for the site, called Your Input Matters, came from the desire for a centralized place where students can easily find all the information they need to know get involved, GPSA President Amir Gilmore said.

“I’m really happy that the university is partnering with us to make sure student voices get heard,” Gilmore said.

The website has a form for students to fill out if they are interested in joining committees, boards, councils and groups. They will then be contacted by an administrator to find the right spot for them.

“A lot of the time administrators want student voices but don’t know how to access students,” he said.

Joshua Munroe, vice president of legislative affairs, said the purpose is to increase the number of students serving on committees.

He also said they prioritize a diversity of views and experiences from the graduate and professional students.

GPSA Vice President David Silva said the site will make it easier for students who do not necessarily know someone on a committee to join.

“We know we don’t reach everybody that way,” he said.

Rogers said students do not have to know people to get involved and they can now participate on their own terms.

Gilmore said committees are always looking for students to voice their opinions because it helps shape conversations.

“We need to hear your voices as well,” Silva said. “We represent the whole entire body of graduate professional students and to have that kind of blind spot really isn’t acceptable.”

Students are encouraged to join a committee at any time in their college careers in order to build and make connections, he said.

The opportunities to get involved are free for students and they are able to participate even if they are not consistently available, Silva said.

Gilmore said if students are really interested in serving on committees, they are happy to welcome them and listen to what they have to say.

“We definitely welcome student voices,” Gilmore said.