Hackathon encourages aspiring engineers


The Hackathon on Feb. 8, 2015. This year’s will begin on Friday in the CUE and last 24 hours.

From staff reports

The WSU Crimson Code program will host a hackathon from Feb. 4 – 5, an event where engineers across campus are encouraged to participate in collaborative computer programming.

Hackathons have the ability to inspire innovation among student engineers at WSU, according to the Crimson Code 2017 website.

This year’s hackathon is the first to allow four members in a group, in efforts to combine more diverse academic backgrounds, according to the website. However, students have the option of working alone or in groups to complete their program.

“At the start of the event, we will be hosting a mixer for students who are looking for teammates,” according to the website.

Students are allowed to work wherever and whenever they want within the allotted timeframe. Judging and closing ceremonies where the winners will be announced, will happen after noon on Sunday, according to the schedule.

The “hacking” begins at 10 a.m. on Saturday in the Smith Center for Undergraduate Education and will end 24 hours later, according to the event schedule.

Food and refreshments will be provided.

Reporting by Rosemarie Blume