Greek fraternity under investigation
Chapter headquarters suspended activities, alcohol-related events
The Sigma Nu Delta Iota chapter has been temporarily suspended of its recognition as a result of alleged behavior which violated university community standards.
September 3, 2019
The Sigma Nu Delta Iota chapter entered a temporary suspension of recognition from WSU after allegations of behavior that appeared to risk the health and safety of fraternity members and violated university community standards.
“In accordance with our standard protocol, Sigma Nu Fraternity has temporarily suspended certain activities of the Delta Iota chapter of Sigma Nu fraternity at WSU pending the completion of an investigation into allegations of possible violations of fraternity policy,” Drew Logsdon, Sigma Nu Fraternity national director of communications, wrote in an email.
An investigation is now underway by the Office of the Dean of Students, in the meantime, the national Sigma Nu Fraternity headquarters suspended new member activities and events with alcohol, according to the Center for Fraternity and Sorority Life website.
“The decision to investigate was made in partnership with international headquarters,” said Phil Weiler, WSU vice president for marketing and communications. “They recognized the allegations were pretty significant.”
An interim loss of recognition means Sigma Nu cannot participate or partake in intramural sports, Information Technology Services, the Student Involvement Office, Fraternity and Sorority advising and more, said Dan Welter, Center for Fraternity and Sorority Life associate dean of students.
“It’s important to understand the fraternity can’t use [these services] as an organization. Those individual students are still allowed to go to the UREC,” Welter said.
It is unclear how long the investigation will last, but the hope is to clear up any uncertainty as soon as possible, Weiler said.
He said the university is working with the chapter adviser, an alumnus of the chapter and all stakeholders involved throughout the investigation process.
“These allegations under investigation, if they are not true, we don’t want that stigma to be associated with that fraternity,” Weiler said.
Welter said this is the first time in three years the Sigma Nu chapter has had action taken against them.
The Daily Evergreen contacted the Sigma Nu Delta Iota chapter for this article, but chapter representatives declined to comment publicly at this time.
“This could be a disruptive situation, but the bottom line is we want our students to be safe and not have their education disrupted,” Weiler said.
Jake • Sep 10, 2019 at 11:31 am
Great article, unfortunate you were unable to gather details about the incident that brought suspension to the fraternity. Regarding the comment by Kimberly, you absolutely did the right thing by publishing this article. Not premature at all, it is newsworthy that a fraternity is under investigation, and it is fair. It is your job as student reporters to keep the campus community in check, including fraternities and sororities. I hope to see the reporter continue this beat and gather more information regarding the incident and the process by which the organization is undergoing. I also hope to see more sources than Phil, although he is a great source of information regarding campus activities. Again, good job reporting.
Sophia • Sep 5, 2019 at 10:50 am
Good article, the author quoted a Weiler though, instead of Welter toward the end.
Kimberly Adams • Sep 4, 2019 at 10:01 am
I understand the beed for news worthy stories, and that the latest and greatest are the most salacious. This story has yet to be proven. I fail to see the fairness in releasing this information. It causes bias against the fraternity. it also causes chatter, rumors and ultimately concern for parents/ families of students newly, entering the greek system. I am the mother of a current freshman, at WSU, who successfully received a bid, from her first choice, sorority. Its a beautiful sorority, and they are wonderful young women. I have been educated in a plethora of matters surrounding the greek system, all of which are unproven and factually incorrect. The chatter amongst students, less successful and parents whk aren’t thrilled with the process and hurt for the children who did not receive a bid, is understandable. I get their pain in the process. I finds this story to be premature and a reporter looking to cause chais to make their mark the game, or career. It isn’t news,WSU, historically is the biggest party school in the state, and probably top 10 Nationally. Why feed the chatter inane information- there aren’t facts about the actual incident cited. Just he said, she said. Really disappointed.