Reader reactions: ‘Athletics deficit plan includes $85 student fee’

Readers react to a plan to reduce WSU Athletics’ $13 million deficit via a new $85 student fee and doubled donations from the Cougar Athletic Fund. The Board of Regents reviewed the plan at its meeting Thursday. The plan was developed by President Kirk Schulz, Athletic Director Bill Moos, Associate Director of Athletics Matt Kleffner and Chief University Budget Officer Joan King to get Athletics out of the red by 2020 and allow the department to begin repaying its debt.

Read the full article here.

Nathan Trivers: “$85 is nothing compared to the total cost of college tuition and fees. …”

Emily Boyd: “I’m shocked that this is the suggested solution for a deficit that the Athletic Department dug itself into. How does this actually benefit anyone’s education at WSU? …”

Eileen Curran Christenson: “… Students (and parents of students) shouldn’t be responsible for poor decisions of someone else. All the hard work to lower tuition and now you want to raise fees?”

Cameron West: “Since our sports teams aren’t ever good anyway, why don’t we just cut those like they did the theater department?”

Tom Swindale: “… How about instead of wasting our money on vanity projects, WSU spends some money on education, like renovating Abelson, Fulmer or Sloan?”

Bob Cady: “How much does every student currently pay to Athletics? Be sure to count the portion Athletics is awarded through Services and Activities (S&A) fees each year and the money paid for improvements to the student section of the Stadium.”

Editor’s note: The comments used in reader reactions are selected from public responses to stories on The Daily Evergreen’s Facebook page. The names listed with the comments are those provided as the individual’s identity on Facebook.