Reader reactions: ‘Tobacco, nicotine ban begins’
August 31, 2016
Readers react to the campus-wide tobacco and nicotine ban that went into effect on Aug. 22. WSU is now one of more than 1,000 tobacco-free campuses nationwide. WSU Police are encouraging students to hold each other accountable for the new policy.
Read the full article here.
Angel Aurora Satarose: “Great move WSU! Those of us allergic to tobacco, this is great news!”
Ryan Oliver: “Lame, and I don’t even smoke. Don’t smoke a cigarette outside, but go buy one of those 300 calorie bottles of pure sugar with no health benefits out of one of our many vending machines across campus.”
Editor’s note: The comments used in reader reactions are selected from public responses to stories on The Daily Evergreen’s Facebook page. The names listed with the comments are those provided as the individual’s identity on Facebook.